TJ and the black eye.

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"Welcome back master Richard." Alfred said from his chair.

"Good evening Alfred. Did you guys run into any trouble picking TJ and Mari up today?" Dick asked as into the living room.

"Actually, there was a little problem, you see-" Alfred was going to continue to explain what had happened, but Dick was already running up the stairs.

"Mari! TJ! Get out here, now please!" Dick shouted.

Mari, a girl with Caribbean tan skin and bright green eyes was first out into the hall. Dick didn't see anything wrong, until TJ came out. TJ looked exactly like Dick. Messy black hair, and piercing blue eyes. The only difference at the moment was a bruise circling his left eye and a small cut on his lip.

"Who hit you?" Dick asked.

"No one, I got hit by a tenis ball in gym." TJ said. Mari rolled her eyes and scuffed.

"--tt--, no, Holt punched you for all to see." Dick threw a glare to Mari and went back to TJ.

"Did you at least hit him back?" Dick asked. TJ froze.

"It was a girl." He finally said. Dick was unfazed.

"Okay, did you hit her back?" TJ looked confused.

"I'm not dumb enough to hit a girl. She could kill me! On the internet and in real life." TJ rubbed his neck a little.

"Okay, but has this ever happened before?" TJ was silent for a minute. "TJ?"

"Can we talk about this later. I'm still kind of, processing this." TJ said as he slowly turned back to his room.

"TJ!" Dick went after him and Mari shrugged and went back to her room. Dick ran after TJ and got a door in his face. "TJ, open this door, right now." Dick said sternly. The door opened and Dick heard a groan as he watched TJ flop onto his bed. "TJ, come on, just talk to me." Dick said and TJ said something muffled into the bed spread. "Get up and say that again." Dick said. TJ raised his head and looked at Dick.

"Nouhwaysne." TJ just said a jumbled set of groans and mumbles. Dick glares at him.

"Come on TJ." Dick said, getting tired of arguing.

"I don't wanna talk about, okay! It was nothing." TJ said. Dick was done and he just picked TJ up. "Wha.., what are you doing?" TJ asked.
"We're doing this the hard way now." Dick lifted TJ up and over his shoulder. "So, you'll start to feel the blood rushing to your head. You will stay like this till you tell me what happened!" Dick said.
"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you, geez." TJ said as Dick lifted him back up and set him on the bed. "So, there's this girl, Kylly, and I've been tutoring her. Well, Holt, the girl that punched me is apparently dating Kylly. Holt wanted to punch someone and I was just there. The whole school thinks I flipped Kylly's skirt." TJ said calmly like it was no big deal. "And yeah, this may have happened before, but, it doesn't matter."
Dick knew that it was a big deal, but there was nothing he could do. Besides, it was Friday, who wants to deal with something stressful on a Friday night?


"Roy!" Kaldur shouted from the kitchen of the two's three bedroom condo. 

"Yeah?" Roy shouted from the living room.

"We're out of tofu. Do you want me to grab something before I pick up Lian?" Kaldur said as he walked into the living room.

"Jades picking her up, it's Friday, remember?" Roy said as Kaldur sat down.

"Right, then, movie night?" Kaldur asked. Roy nodded and held up the remote.

"Movie night!" Kaldur slid over to the same couch as Roy. Right as Roy hit the play button, Jackson burst yelling with Artemis right behind him. "Wrong condo brat."

"No! Right condo, I want to know what this is about." Artemis threw a holo screen at Roy. Oliver was on it.

"I here be announce that my three sons will all be taking co-leader ship of Queen Industries!" 

DC PARENTS BOOK 1: After the cape!Where stories live. Discover now