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"So, what do you want on your pizza?" Artemis asked as she pulled onto the freeway.

"I want Peppers, mushrooms, olives, broccoile, spinach, and Onions!" Ricky said, rubbng her noes and sniffing a little.

"Okay, well, how about you tell me something. You running into a door, did that happen because of running too fast?" Artemis watched as Ricky's face lit up and she started to move in her seat.

"I went faster than ever! I wasn't as fast as Daddy, but I was fast! It felt like running on air. Do you know what that feels like? Running on air, cause it was amazing!" Ricky was speaking a little faster than normal, but nothing Artemis wasn't used to.

"Hey baby, just remember that tommorrow when you go to Grandpa Barry's house that you can't run really fast. And If you say anything bad say you heard your daddy say it, okay?" Artemis saw Ricky nod and kept on driving.

After a few minutes Artemis pulled into the condo duplex. She got out of the car and got her bag from the back. She saw across the seat that Ricky was tilted over asleep. Artemis rolled her eyes and went around the car to grab her. She locked the car and quickly walked up to the door of her condo. She got inside and put down her bag. She walked down the hall and opened the door to Ricky's room. She saw something move as she opened the door and quickly slammed it open and hit whoever was behind it.

"If you even dare try to-" Artemis then saw Wally crouching behind the door. "Wally!" She whisper shouted. She set Ricky down and helped Wally into the living room.

"I'm fine!" Wally said, rubbing his knee. "So, did she have a good time?" Wally asked.

"She ran into a door." Wally quivered and shook his head.

"I know what that feels like." Artemis rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well, she ran into a door a little faster than her friend would've." Wally's eyes went wide.

"How fast? You think she's gettign up to my level?" Wally asked and Artemis hit his shoulder.

"Wallace! She should not have speadster dna! Barry figured that out years ago!" Artemis said.

"Well, you know it could've been the V-9." Wally said, looking up. 

"You didn't!" Artemis shouted.

"I was spot of the momment, you wanted to have kids. I was looking over a few papers with felicity and we started talking. Without the V-9 you would've been able to get pregnant. I-" He stopped when Artemis started to laugh. "Wa... how is this funny!" 

"You realize, that Barry has two kids both with Speed." Wally took a second and his eyes went wide.

"Barry took V-9." Wally started to laugh to.

"Mr. It's a drug! Do you think Iris knows?" Artemis asked.

"I don't remember her and Barry ever yelling at each other, so, I don't think so." Wally said.

"Okay, so I told her not to say anything about it when she's over at their house." Artemis said.

"Oh, that's not gonna help. Her metabolism will start to speed." Artemis looked confused. "Okay, so, when you have speed your moliculs move at a faster rate. Well, that speeds up your organs to keep up with you. Well, the one bad thing about that is that your metabolism speeds up which means you get weird cravings for random things, and you need a lot more food than normal. That's why Barry and I are always eating something. I don't know about Bart. I never see that kid eating anything, but he seems faster than any of us." Wally said the last part frowning.

"Okay, but what does that have to do with her controling herself?" Artemis asked.

"When a speedster is hungry we get hyper and or impatiant. She'll mess up cause she's hungry. It mess's with our minds." Wally said, shaking his heads around his head.

"Great, so, who's going to explain it to Barry?" Arty asked after a few minutes.

"We could be responsible and both go." Wally said. " Or I could go and you could go tell Oliver." Artemis smiled.

"Or we could do it the opisite way and I can get the easy one!" Artemis yelled as she jumped up and ran down the hall.

"Oh, don't even try!" Wally yelled as he went and ran to her, pushing her into their bedroom at the same time.

About an hour later the two of them were both passed out with Game Of Thrones playing in the background of their bedroom.

"Mommy? Daddy!" Ricky bolted up awake and looked around her room. She got out of bed and  She smiled as she started to look around for the monster from her nightmare.

She found a bunch of stuffed animals and put them all on her bed. She opened up her closet and looked inside. She got under her bed and looked everywhere. She finally gave up. She went out into the hall and over to he parents room. She opened the door and looked up at the bed.

"Daddy!" She whispered as she poked Wally's arm. Wally rolled over and opened his eyes. 

"Hey Baby doll, you can't find the monster can you?" Ricky nodded and Wally got up. "So, where did you look?"

"I looked in the closet, under the bed, and on the window sill. And I already got all the stuffed animals to saftey." Wally smiled at the hero like insticts of his daughter.

"So, you know where he probably is?" Ricky shook her head. "He's probably at his home. If you want, I could go and speed over and see if he's okay. Would that let you sleep?" Ricky nodded and Wally quickly sped out of the room and down the hall fast like he was going far. He turned around and sat down at Ricky's bed. "well, he told me to tell you that he is fine. Now, what happened in the dream?" Wally asked and Ricky leaned on him.

"A villain was torturing him. He was in danger. You weren't there. Neither was mommy, or uncle Dick, uncle Roy, or Uncle Arii. Uncle Jackson was tied up with Aunt Dawn and Uncle Don. Aunt M was held in the air and Aunt Jade was being held by a large man with blonde hair. The main bad guy didn't have hair. He was bold and looked kinda like that man who's always on the tv." Wally felt Ricky put her arms around his arm and hold on a little tighter.

"Hey, that would never happen, you know why? Because you mom would've kicked me in the shin until I went and helped. And If I helped I could get Dawn and Don untied and they could get Aunt Jade and Aunt M. I would get Uncle Jackson and you would be safe. And that man, he is a really bad guy, adn right now he is locked away. And we have two supers who would do anythnig to keep him there and about seven Bat's that would be able to take him and all of the justice league in about five minutes. So, you feel safe now?" Wally looked down and Ricky was snuggled up against his arm, holding on tight. 

Wally grabbed a stuffed animale, it wasn't a human, or an animal, it was misshapen and had no real name. He picked it up and picked up Ricky. He walked back to his and Arty's room and laid down. Artemis rolled over and saw Ricky.

"Nightmare?" She asked.

"Lex."  Artemis rolled her neck.

"You sure your okay with her waking you up? I could help her once or twice." She said.

"If you want to, or if she'll let you. Remember the last time she woke up and you went back with her?" Wally asked.

"I said I would kill whatever hurt her." Artemis defended.

"She likes the monster, it's weird. I don't know where she got it from, but she seems to think that the villains are going to hurt these creetures she's created. Where did she even get this stuffed animal?" Wally asked.

"Bart gave it to her that one time he- Hey, lets have Bart watch her tomorow, then we don't have to deal with Barry or Oliver." Artemis whisper shouted with delight.

"Babe, that is the best idea ever. Do you know what time it is?" Artemis looked at the clock and jumped up. 

"I'll see you two in a few hours!" She grabbed her bag and quickly left the house.

DC PARENTS BOOK 1: After the cape!Where stories live. Discover now