An apology and a call to the ER.

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2 hours before morning events.

"You want me to do what?" Dick asked over the phone.

"I want you to come pick up Ricky while I take Jackson to the hospital to meet up with Oliver. Please." Artemis said quietly. She was in the car with Ricky sleeping in the back seat and Jackson crying in the front.

"Sure, uh, is it okay if I send someone to get her, we are kinda in the middle of patrol. Damian just went back if he would be okay." Dick said, looking at Tim and Cass, who now looked worried.

"That's fine, as long as my kid isn't killed." Artemis said, pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"Okay, I'll send him over. Hey Jackson, he's gonna be okay. Your old man's been through far worst than this." Dick then hung up and Jackson stayed curled up in a ball in the front seat.

"Jack, you need to calm down. It was not your fault that he went out. And like Dick said, he'll be okay." Artemis put a hand on his shoulder and then got out of the car.

It was a few minutes later, but Damian came speeding up in an old catilac.

"Why do you have a catilac?" Artemis asked.

"Well, we were drunk and a guy said he would sign over his catilac to me if I could shot a peanut with a sling shot and break the beer bottle that was super glued to the bottom of the fifth floor balcony. I did so and then he turned out to be sober and I actually got a car out of it." Damian smiled and Artemis just shook her head as she handed Ricky over.

"Okay baby, I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks again." Artemis then walked back into the hospital and ran over to Jackson who was sitting with his legs tucked up to his chest. 

Damian buckled Ricky all up and then started to drive as slow as he could and on only streets without speed bumps. With all of his strength he was trying to not wake this kid up before he got to the zeta tubes tot he batcave. 

Once he got back to the batcave he slowly got Ricky out of the car and upstairs. He brought her to one of the many spare rooms and laid her down on the bed. He ran to another room and came back with about sixty different stuffed animals and an old T.V. It still played DVD's. He had a box of movies, varying from barbie to pokemon. He had a few disney ones. 

When Ricky woke up and found she wasn't at her house she cried out, and quickly calmed down when she saw Damian.

"Hey, kid, you'er gonna be okay. Your mom will be back in the morning. Uncle Olli just got into a little accident and your mom had to go be a hero." Damian said, sitting down on the bed and pulling Ricky up onto his lap. "You wanna watch a movie?" Ricky nodded. Damian grabbed the box of movies and she ended up picking out a few disney movies.


(Present time)

"Oh, hey Bruce, when did you get here?" Dick asked, coming down for the second time.

"3 hours ago." Bruce said, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Oh, sorry about keeping you waiting. We had a pretty long partrol last night and Damian ended up going in because of a really weird headache. Oh, and did anyone call you about Oliver? Something happened last night, and I can't get anything on it." Dick asked and Bruce smirked and threw a holo screen to Dick. Then Dick put all the information together.

"The old guy wanted to feel the thrill of being Arrow again and went out patrolling. Felicity and Artemis thankfully found him before he got to hurt. But when he they found him he looked like something had happened and he was in shock. He got about three blocks down and he had a small heart attack. Apparently Dihan is out on another mission in Bialya. Jackson wanted to go to the hospital to be near Oliver so Artemis needed someone to watch Ricky. I think she's upstairs with Damain." Dick explained.

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