Biogenatic Bugs.

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"Uncle Bart!" Ricky ran into Bart's outstretched arms and he picked her up in a hug.

"Who is my favorite neice?" Bart asked.

"If it's not me I want to know who this other girl is!" Ricky said sternly

"Of course it's you!" Bart said as Jaime came up laughing.

"Hola Chica, what brings you to my labs?" Jamie asked, ruffuling up Ricky's hair.

"Mommy just dropped me off. I was suppose to go to Grandpa's today, but something happened I think. Mommy and Daddy just seemed really happy to not be going over to Grandpa's today." Ricky looked over at the glass and gasped. "I wanna go see Mia!" Jamie smiled and started to run down the halls. 

This was Bio-Blue labs. Every hall had bugs and animals wondering. It was a seculded part of an old Star-labs building. There were only about five scientist in the building at one time, Jamie and Bart being two of the five. Karen Beecher was another one, and then the other two were Dr. Eduardo Dorado Jr and Dr. Asami Koizumi. The labs were for the study of animals of biogenetic evoltion. And Ricky's favorite one, was Mia.

Dr. Asami was sitting with a small bear like animal clinging to her arm when Jamie and Bart went racing through, Jamie as fast as he could and Bart as slow as he could.

"Hey!" She shouted. Jamie and Bart stopped. "Hello Ricky, welcome back to Bio-Blue. I'm guessing you wanna go see Mia?" Ricky nodded. "Well, I could take you while your uncles go do some paper work with Dr. Dorado and Dr. Dorado." Asami glared at them and she picked up Ricky, you wanna help me feed her before we go find Mia?" Asami asked, nudging her head towards the snall bear.

"Yes please!" Ricky smiled.


"Dr. Dorado, it's a pleasure seeing you here at our fecility's hee at Bio-Blue." Jamie said to the older of the Dorado men.

"Please, guy, just call me Ed. I hate this as much as you all do. But Star Labs need to know that you are going ahead with your research. If not, we will shut you down, and I will take on project Mia. Got it boys?" Dorado Senior asked.

"We hear you. Now, what does Star labs want to see? We have those organism from Bialya that when they repreduce they give off a mixture of Brociods that we're testing. We are so close to proving the palathinein theory, I feel like I can barely call it that!" Bart said, twidling his thumbs.

"Bart, he means like the Mia project research and the Bio-Matrix structure." Jamie told him.

"Oh, right, well, Mia should be waking up by now. This way." Bart said, opening the door and walking with Ed and Jamie. "Actually, Jamie, could you show Ed to Mia, I just remembered that I have to go check on project Kr 3." Bart said, running off. 

"So, have you heard from your son recently?" Jamie asked.

"No, why do you ask?" Ed asked.

"He hasn't been into work since the failed Kr project. That was three weeks ago. I'm getting worried about him." Jamie admited. The two walked in silence until they came up to a door labled Mia. "So, here's project Mia." Jamie opened the door.

It was a room, almost like a child's playroom. Inside was a bed, a dresser, a tiny table with a china set, and a few toys scattered about. The only color to be seen was a light pink. Jamie      sh-ed Ed as he walked over to the bed.

"Mia Darling. Wake up please." Jamie said softly. A girl rose from the bed and looked around.

"Good Morning Papa. Who's that?" The girl pointed to Ed.

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