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TJ stood up as he yelled. He looked around at the silent group. Everyone's face looked shocked. TJ quickly saw the looks and ran. He knew that he should've just waited to be told anything like usual, but today was different. He felt angry. He usually felt this way, but he was able to hide it. He felt like something had snapped, that this was something important that if he never knew about it, it would kill him from the inside out.

Everyone else sat for a second. Bruce and Dick made eye-contact. Both of their shocked faces showed each other they were thinking the same thing. In that moment, TJ looked just like a young Jason once did in that very threshold. Cass shared the same look and was the one to go after him. The room stayed silent for a minute until Cass came running back in.

"He's gone."


(Three hours later.)


The room was laid out with a bed in the corner and a chair next to it. Tim was impatiently sitting in the chair, looking down at Jason's body on the bed. Tim was starting to doze off when he saw Jason start to move. Jason bolted up and looked around with wide eyes.

"Wha! Tim? What's? What's going on, where's the Riddler? What happened to Bruce? Where are we? W-" Tim just threw himself on top of Jason and hugged him as hard as he could.

"Just shut up." Tim said softly. Jason looked at Tim and laughed a little.

"Hey replacement, what's up? You seem clingy. Don't we need to get back to the manor? I don't wanna leave Rose alone with Thomas for too long." Jason laughed a little more and started to really look at Tim. "Uh, Tim, did you get hit by something? You look really different. I'm pretty sure before Patrol you didn't look like a tired over worked college dropout." Jason joked. Tim just hugged as hard as he could.

"You don't know how long it's been. How many times I told them you weren't dead." Tim said into Jason's chest. Jason's eyes went wide.

"Wait, how many days have I been out?" Jason said, confused.

"4557." Tim said with doe eyes. Jason was quiet for a second.

"We're on infinity island aren't we?" Tim nodded. "Wait, what happened to Thomas and Rose? Are they okay?" Tim was going to say something but Jason quickly stood up and rushed out of the room. "We need to get back to the manor. If those fools thought I would die that easily then they were wrong." Tim quickly grabbed his bag and ran with Jason.

"Okay, uh, the jets this way, just let me get Damian." Tim said, turning to the room next to them seeing Damian all packed up.

"Welcome back Todd." Damian smiled. Jason's eyes went wide when Damian passed, walking off to the jet.

"Dude," Jason whispered to Tim. "Damian got hot." Tim nodded and whispered back.

"You know the pervie thing, Bruce looked like that once." Jason stopped and squinted.

"I just can't picture it."

"You both know I can hear you right!" Damian yelled. Jason and Tim both started to laugh. Damian unlocked his jet, rolling his eyes at the two. "Hey Todd, have fun with the new Wayne Jet, we all know how you just love flying." Damian said laughing as he closed the door to the jet.

"Oh yeah, you don't like flying do you?" Tim said groaning.

"I'm fine with flying, who told you guys that I didn't like flying?" Jason said, getting into the jet.

"I guess we just assumed because you never went by air, you always went by car or bike in Gotham." Tim said. Jason smirked.

"UH, no, I don't fly in Gotham because of Penguin. See, he used to have this balloon, well, I popped it the first time I flew and the jet went down. I remember Bruce saying it was all okay and I don't think I stepped out of the manor for at least a week, and I don't think I ever flew over Gotham again." Tim just smiled as Jason kept talking. They took the hour ride back to Gotham and landed in the bat cave. Jason got out and looked around. "So, what's changed since I was gone?" Tim was about to say something when Damian rushed down frantically.

DC PARENTS BOOK 1: After the cape!Where stories live. Discover now