Rebel Saturday

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"Wait, what did you just say?" TJ asked, mouth wide from his fathers comment. 

"I'm Nigthwing." He said calmly.

"Shut up. Wait, that means you were Robin. And if you were Robin then you know who Batman is. Wait, is Bruce batman? That would make sense. And that means Barbra was batgril, and Aunt Stephanie, Aunt Cass, Uncle Tim must've been Red Robin, and Uncle Damian was the last Robin and must be Red Hood right now!" TJ said, jumping up and pacing the room excitedly.

"Actually, Damian is Batman." Dick said, almost wanting to laugh himself.

"That makes no sense at all! You should be Batman, your the oldest, and you were the first Robin!" TJ shout sternly.

"TJ, Damian is the blood son, and, I had Mari and you at the time that Bruce was choosing. I asked him to choose one of the others, I needed to get my life on track. And besides, I never wanted to be batman, I was batman a few times and I hated it. Bruce had to be alone for days on end. Damian even agrees that being alone isn't fun." Dick frowned and looked up to see TJ confused.

"Wait, but who's Red Hood." Dick tried to act innoccent.

"I don't think I know about that hero. Is he over in metropiles or something?" Dick laughed a little.

"You know who the Red Hood is, last week we had an argument on what kind of gun he was using for the new DR1 case. And, it was an Acari 732, I watched the bullet barrel." TJ smirked and opened his eyes slightly to see Dick getting flustered.

"No! Jason doesn't use Acari guns. He only uses UN Pistals. Maybe an AK47. But no Acari's." Dick said, pulled at his hari as he realized what he said.

"Wait, who's Jason? Wouldn't Bruce just keep it in the-" 

"TJ, could we just talk about this a little later, normally I would say Damian needs me, or I need time to myself, but I really need to get over to Buldhaven before I'm late for patrol." Dick said, looking over at the time.

"Can I go? Not today, but, could you like teach me how to fight? Or just the flips, the flips are so cool!" TJ said, thinking of all the times he's tried to recreate Nightwing flips and totally failed.

"No. I don't want to ever see you or Mari out in Gotham at night. Or Bludhaven. Maybe- No, count Star-light city and Central City off your list. Happy Harbor is okay, but no metropolis." Dick started to think about all of the towns that were really unsafe at night.

"But doesn't cousin-"

"Isn't your cousin the one who made a fool of himself on National Television? Isn't your cousin the one I had to pick up from the Gotham Police station because neither of his parents were around? There are a lot of things that your cousin does, that I would never let you do." Dick said sternly, and then he realized the reality of what he just said. He looked up and saw TJ with his head held low and his arms crossed. "But," TJ's eyes immediately shot up with little hope left. "Maybe, if you promise to only use it for self defense I could give you a little training." Dick's words sped through TJ's mind and he jumped up and hugged him.

"Thanks Uncle Dick." TJ then realized what Dick had said earlier. "I didn't make you late did I?" 

"Nah, I'll be fine, I'll just go through the west league and then hit into a few minor crimes and say I was busy." Dick smiled as he got up and Jogged out of the room.

Dick got onto his bike and sped off to Bludhaven. He started to think about the last thing TJ had said. "Thanks UNCLE Dick." 

I'll always just be Uncle Dick. Six years and thats still what he calls me.

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