Regular Test's.

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"So, how was two weeks with no help?" Cass asked as Tim sat down.

"Jesus Christ, girls are so emotional! And Veronica, she left Julia home alone multiple times! I talked to her, but I feel like she just igored it." Tims sighed.

"Okay, how about Julia? Anything happen with her?" Cass asked, laughing at Tim's comment, knowing the only reason he knew what his daughter had done was because he had done it so many times to Bruce. 

"Don't get me started. I got called from the lab three times this week to come and get her from school. Her day off was a blessing. I know you want her to go to a normal school, but I really think she would do better up here with Veronica and the boys. She's smarter than the teacher in that class, I know, I've had a lot of time talking with her." Tim glared in no perticular direction as he mentioned the teacher. Cass shook her head.

"No, I don't want her up here. They are going to keep her in a lab all day and do nothing with her. They said they wanted a controlled variable, well here ya go. Now, did you ever get to go out in the last two weeks?" Cass asked. Tim rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, like anyone would be free. The last time I went clubing was an Queen fundraiser that I got paid to go to." Tim laughed.

"Well, we need to change that. The kids are reatching five years. Are you really just gonna take on another set of kids?" Cass asked. Tim stood up harshly.

"Maybe I want to have another set of kids! Ever think of that?" Tim shouted, turning away from Cass.

Cass sat for a second, a few random people staring slightly. Tim and Cass were in the hall at Star labs waiting for Andrew, Anthony, Julia, and Veronica. Cass got up and put a hand on Tim's shoulder.

"You need to move on Tim. You can't-"

"He died Cass, I will find someone else when I know for sure that he died. Until I see a body, alive or dead, I can't move on. Just, leave it." Tim sat back down and took out his phone, staring at the blank screen. It was silent for a minute or two.

"Why don't we take the kids over to the Manor tomorrow? Damian should be home tonight from college for the first time in two years. I really don't want you to miss him. And Bruce could see the boys before they go out into the field forever." Cass said, almost forcing the idea onto Tim.

"Sure Cass, it would be good to see TJ and Mari anyway." The two of them talked for a few more minutes when Andrew and Anthony came stomping out both shouting at the nurse quickly walking after them.

Then Veronica went running past the nurse with Julia in her arms. Tim and Cass quickly got between the nurse and the kids and looked back and forth with Andrew and Anthony doing most of the yelling.

"Shut it!" Cass yelled. The Nurse and the boys both stopped talking and looked at her. Andrew was glaring at the nurse before his head looked over his shoulder in disgust. "Why are you two yelling and why are you running after my children?" Cass pointed at the boys first.

"She came in and started talking about the...." Andrew stopped and eyed Julia, who was crying in Veronica's arms. "The project. Then she started to talk about relocation and she said stuff about splitting us all up." Andrew explain. Cass looked like she was ready to strangle someone.

"Okay, now, why were you chasing my kids?" Cass asked, not caring what the women's answer was anymore.

"The boys walked out of the room, I had to go after them. I can't talk about the clones if them if they aren't in the room. That would be pointless." The nurse said. Cass tried breathing in and out.

"I think we are done for the day. Would you mind telling doctor Sicer to call me when he can? I just need to talk to him about a certain employ that was the least bit pleasing." Cass said before turning around and walking away, her arms pulling all her children along with her and Tim. "If you ever pull something like that when you're older I will arrange you to be a Christmas Elf at the Wayne Family Christmas Charity event." The kids smiled at their mothers words as they all piled into the back of Tim's car.

"So, are you gonna call Dr. Sicer or are you gonna call Jamie over to look at us again?" Anthony asked. Andrew smiled.

"I vote for Jamie coming! His hands don't feel like cold dead metal." Andrew said, shuddering. Veronica nodded and shuddered as well.

"I second that vote. Dr. Sicer is really creepy." Veronica said. Tim and Cass started laughing.

"Okay, we'll call and see if Jamie can come and do a report." Cass finally said. Andrew, Anthony and Veronica cheered. "But, you all have to let him do what he needs to, no complaining." Veronica rolled her eyes and the boys still cheered.

 Julia had fallen asleep in the back seat and everyone was quiet on the way back to the apartment. After about thirty minutes they were back at the apartment.

Don't be fooled. This was not a small apartment. Cass wanted a small condo and Tim wanted four kids. This was a forth of an apartment building floor. Every kid had their own room and Cass and Tim both had suits. Then they had a good sized living room and a nice kitchen. Andrew and Anthony both have their own rooms, but it's really a suit with a tear down wall in the middle. The wall stays down almost always. The two boys share a bathroom and then Veronica and Julia share one. Cass has her own and Tim does to, but they end up just sharing one for most things.

Veronica got out of the car and ran as fast as she could for the elevator, but Andrew was first there. Anthony was still at the car, slowly walking over with Julia in his arms. Veronica glared as Andrew closed the elevator doors and road up. Veronica scuffed and started to run for the stairs. Cass and Tim just watched as Veronica ran up ten fleets, Anthony lightly jogging up behind her. Cass and Tim started to walk up the stairs slowly.

Finally they got up them to find Veronica and Andrew quietly arguing about who got there first and Anthony sh'ing them saying that Julia is sleeping. Tim quickly opened the door while Cass took Julia from Anthony.

"Okay, boys, get settled while I go put Julia down. Veronica, could you go order pizza, I don't feel like cooking tonight. Tim, could you help me with her?" Cass walked down the hall and Tim followed. Cass set Julia down and looked up at Tim.

"So, I'm guessing you didn't need me to help you do that?" Tim asked. Cass rolled her eyes.

"Tim, tomorrow we are going to the manor, I already texted Dick and told him that you wanted to apologize. If you don't apologize, then in two weeks when you guys go on your last mission, I'll make sure it is your last mission ever. You will work for Bruce for the rest of your life and you will sit and smiled to the tone of the slowly dying employees in the cubicles' next to you." Cass glared and walked out of the room, Tim standing wide eyed.

"Hey, wait, come back here!" 

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