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So, we'll be jumping to where Tim is to where Damian is, to where Dick is. So when I do this (Tim) it just means we are going to where Tim is. I only do 3rd pov. Sorry.


Tim arived at the monastery at 3 in the morning.

"Damian said you would be coming early. This is not what I thought he meant." Ra's said, glaring at Tim's sunny face.

"Uh, I'm getting back a man who people have said has been dead for the last, humm, lets say thirteen years! And the man just so happens to be my brother, and just so happens to have not been their when he died and never believed that he was dead! So shut up and let me help!" Tim said, taking a sip of coffee behind his military/west hollywood shades. Ra's just shook his head and mumbeled something about how bat's just won't ever except death.

"Okay, let's start with the fact that we if he's dead already we have to rap him in silk. We didn't the first time, and you saw the side effects. Truth be told, the Todd boy should be dead by now, or at least close, so having silk ready would be he best option. Now, other than that, we need to get people their cerimony robes for this and get in possions now. So when the Red Hood get's delivered we can get him in quickly and hopfully save him before he dies again." Ra's explains. Tim nods and gets to work.


"What do you mean I can't check him out?" Damian yelled over the phone at Bruce.

"They aren't getting me through. I don't care what you do, just get him out of that prison. If you get arested I'm sueing the justice league, which I can do because without me they have no money!" Bruce shouted, hanging up.

Bruce was on the watch tower with Diana, Clark, John, Barry, Arthur and Dihan watching.

"My kid is dying, and you all decide it's better to keep him locked away in a prison full of he people he put there? Please explain what your thought process is." Bruce says, losing patience.

"Bruce, we know this boy, he is not healthy. How many times have we thought he was dead? He hurts whoever he wants and he just doesn't care." Clark said. Diana grabbed Bruce back as he almost jumped on Clark.

"How are you any different? And Jason doesn't kill anyone. He had less than half Olii's casulties. And we all know Olli doesn't do Casulties. Jason only killed spesific people who were trying to kill someone he loved, or who was killing innocents. Clark, you killed over armed Bialyan soldiers because you thought they were hostile. I get it, you've learned, but the reason you learned is because you got a chance. She gave you a chance." Bruce pointed to Diana. "She gave all of us a chance. I will give anything for Jason. I already gave as much as I could in your favor. I gave up the suit, which let you have the option to retire and hand down your postion to Conner like I did with Dick and like he is going to do Damian. Aurthor got to give Kaldur his spot and I know Olli was glad to give his to Artemis. Diana is here till she wants to leave, and so are you. So, I've given up all in your favor, so please, just once, show me some god damn kidness and give me back my son." Bruce was pleading to the man he used to hate with all his heart.

Clark stood for a second and went over to a main panel. He typed for a minute and a person came onto the screen.

"Excuse me, we need to bring Jason Todd's body in for inspection and by code of law you have twelve hours to get him to us. Now, he has all of his charges freed from his record, so, if you don't want the justice league to come knocking on your not so super proofed doors then I suggest you let our guy who's coming to get Jason Todd and leave without being followed. Got it?" The shaky person nodded and ended the call. Clark sighed. "There, problem solver. Diana, if you see Conner tell him about his promotion, I have a graduation to get to in about two hours so I'll see all of you at the Justice League Christmas party." 

Bruce smirk and stopped him. "Clark, we don't go to the party. Once your retired you get to sit up here and watch all the cameras with beer and watch all the young and old heros be idiots." Arthur told him. He nodded.

"Sounds fun, see ya then." And then he was gone. 

"So, I can tell Damian-" Bruce started but got a call, a call with a very sassy twenty six year old. 

"Okay, so were you kidding about me about not being able to get him because I just got here and he was ready. Just so you know I'm about an hour from Ra's and Tim, so warn them. And Jason is on some type of calming drug, and he is damn hilarious." Damian was laughing lightly.

"Okay, I'll tell Tim." Bruce said. He ended the call and sighed. He called Tim.

"Is he okay!" Tim yelled.

"He's fine Tim, Damian is about an hour away." Bruce heard Tim let out a breath.

"Good, we're all ready over here. Also, ra's  is suprisingly good at dealing with emotions. So much chamimeal tea." Tim smiled and hung up. Bruce quickly called Talia's phone and it was answered by Ra's.

"Yes Wayne?" He asked.

"Did you drug my son?" 

"Which one and which time?" Ra's smirked. Bruce just shook his head.

"Tim, in the last hour."

"Oh, he was getting on my nerves. He's just took bubbly for his own good. I had to calm him down before he tripping onto a spear or something."

"Okay, well, Damian will be their in about an hour, and then it's up to you for how long you want Jason to stay with you. Just so you know, Tim wants to stay with him as long as possible." Ra's laughed a little and hung up the phone.

Bruce sighed and sat for a second. He went back to the manor to see everyone in the living room.

"Is he okay?" Cass asked. "Is Tim okay?" Bruce sighed and sat down.

"Tim is fine, Damian is fine, and Jason is about an hour from Ra's. They now have to turn off all signals into the island so we'll know in three hours if it worked. All we can do till then is wait." Bruce looked over at the younger generation and saw TJ sittig away from everyone else, his face filled with confusion. "What's wrong TJ?" Bruce asked. TJ looked up.

"You guys still won't tell me who this Jason guy is." He said quietly. Bruce looked back at Dick and Cass who both turned around trying to move out of Bruce's vision.

"You never told him." Bruce said sternly. Dick was about to speak, when Bruce stopped him. "You never told him who his father was and you wonder why he's!" Bruce pinched his temples. "Both of you, explain now, or I'll say nothing but the brutel truth." Bruce sat back down in  his chair and TJ just sat confused as ever.

"What does he mean?" TJ asked. Everyone stayed quiet. "I said! What does he mean!" 

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