@ the Manor

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"Dad, why are they coming over? I thought you hated uncle Tim and that was why he only came by for big family things." Mari said. Dick groaned.

"Yeah, I didn't think you would agree to see him Richard." Kori said as Dick walked out of the kitchen.

"Well maybe I just want to turn a new leaf. we gotta make up eventually." Dick said, serving up pasta onto everyone's plate. "Now, let's eat before this topic continues." Dick smiled as everyone digged in. "So, how was your guy's saturday?" Dick asked.  Mari smiled.

"TJ got a call from Mary Alister." She said, getting a quick glare from TJ.

"Shut up Gayson." He said in a hushed voice. Dick heard it, but decided to talk about that later.

"Says the guy who turned down Mary Alister. Like, she is hot, like, I'm not kidding, Wonder women hot." Mari explained. Dick was close to saying something when he heard something from the study.

"Everyone shut up." Dick said quietly. Kori was also on alert, hearing the same thing Dick had.

Dick grabbed an escrima stick from underneath the table and went to the door. He raised his stick as the door opened. Dick was about to hit down when a hand grabbed the stick.

"Grayson, you need 2 escrima sticks to do any damage. And why would I of all people be effected or jumped by a middle aged boy who wears a leatard." Damian stood with a duffled bag on his shoulder.

"Welcome back Damian." Dick hugged him and Mari and TJ held back laughs while watching Damian's face. Dick let go and Damian went up to the two.

"Grayson child, Other child." The two looked confused. "Just kidding, hey guys. Okay, the weirdest thing happened. So, Dick, you remember that girl that you said look sketchy when you dropped me off at the dorms?" Dick nodded. "Okay, she is the daughter of, and wait for it, Marildel Madman." Dick looked confused. Damian sighed. "The red head in the fearsome hand of four." And now Dick was shocked.

"Really, I picked out an assasin from looks alone? Cool!" Dick seemed proud.

"Well, anyway, I'm guessing father wanted to do something big didn't he?" Damian asked as everyone continued dinner.

"Actually, he asked me if I thought you would want anything so I told him to ask you. If he hasn't by now, I'm guessing I'll get a call in the morning from him saying, tie him up, blind fold him, and bring him to the docks. So if I knock you out, just remember, it is completely personal." Dick smiled and Damian rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, kid, why do you have a black eye?" He finally got a good look at TJ's face.

"A girl hit me." TJ said bluntly.

"I know what that feels like. So, whacha do?" Damian was intrested. Dick knew TJ was going to say nothing.

"Okay, so, I tutor this girl Kylly. She's really popular. I get to the library and this douch is sitting there in front of Kylly and I can tell she's uncomfortable and all, so I tell the librarian that I watched that guy drain a bottle of beer before he came into the library. So he got removed and I started to help Kylly with her math work. I asked her what happened and she said the guy asked if he could flip her skirt. Well, I thought, great, I saved her. Then Holt comes walking in and yells out 'Who was harassing my girlfriend?!'. I smile because I can tell her who and be the hero and she comes over, glares at me, and punches me. She starts yelling at me about if she ever saw me near Kylly again she would kill me. Kylly was yelling, and the next thing I know I'm in the nurses office. The princapal comes and says I have detention for a week for the library desturbance and all I say is, okay see you at three. When I go back to class all I hear is 'oh, look, the Wayne kid flipped up Kylly's skirt.'. So, yeah, that's how it happened." TJ shrugs. 

Dick, Kori, Damian, and Mari sit with their mouths and eyes wide.

"But who flipped her skirt!" Mari asked. Everyone glared at her but TJ.

"Zack Jinks. Senior, probably did it on a dare." TJ said calmly.

"TJ, you said she just punched you." Dick said. TJ shrugged again.

"Can I have an address, I think a certian vigilante needs to pay this Holt a visit." Damian said, starting to turn. Dick quickly got up and shoved him into a chair.

"No way. No hurting innocent little kids." Dick said, sitting back down." TJ just smiled, knowing his uncle's would do anything for him. "So, let's talk strategy. Tomorrow we will have the whole family here including a certian grandfather." Damian's eyes went wide.

"You didn't!"

"he did, I thought it was a bad idea, but Bruce insisted that sense he was technically your grandfather that he should be able to come see you." Dick really didn't want to fight, but knew what was going to happen.

"You want an assasin, no, the king of assasin's in a house with your own child, your newphews, and your necies. You want a murderer in your home!" Damian got a certian look from Kori.

"Says the boy I watched almost kill said man five different times. Killing one murderer-"

"Doesnt make the number of murderer's go down, yeah yeah, but, if you kill a hundred murderer's it goes down by 99." Damian grinned and Dick's eye's looked like they were going to come out of his head.

"Damian, he's coming. Get over it. Now, we are going to have a lot of Wayne's in one room. Kids, what do we say when someone says hi?" Dick smiled.

"Say hello, welcome to Wayne manor!" Mari said cheerfully.

"Walk away and lock the doors!" TJ said a little less cheery.

"Eh, close enough. Damian, you ready to take back the cape? You've been gone and according to Tim and Cassy's reports the new recruts are working great." Damian smiled.

"Ah, the best formula. Black hair, depression, and lack of parentage. The perfect ingrediants to make a bat." Kori closed her eyes.

"I did not need that picture in my head. Thanks." Damian and Dick laughed a little. Dick looked up and saw the time.

"But really, we need to get out there. Red Eagel and Golden Eagel are coming out tonight. Which, as I forgot, Veronica and Julia are going to spend tonight here guys. Yay!" Mari groaned and TJ looked like he was going to punch something. "Okay, night guys, we'll be back in a few." Damian dropped his duffle bag and ran after Dick to the clock.

Just as if on que, the doorbell rang and Kori opened it. Cass came in with Veronica and Julia.

"Be nice, or I'll make you go to lab and not have Jamie come over. I love you, make sure Julia doesn't get hurt. See you in the morning." Cass kissed both of their heads and walked out. 


Bruce sat in his chair in the living room of the manor. He was reading the paper as Dick came out. Dick didn't seem to see Bruce as he turned on the stove and got out eggs. He turned on the coffee pot and set out his hand and pulled it back as he realized he had set it on the stove burner. He quickly ran over to the sink and ran his hand under cold water. Dick knew that if he screamed he would wake everyone up, so he grabbed an ice cube from the fridge and popped it into his mouth. Dick then turned off the over and fauset on the sink. He walked out and Bruce just sat there. 

"He never saw me. Am I that invisable?" 

About ten minutes later Tim walked in with Julia in his arms, boucing her a little bit. He was glad to see that the coffee was already made. He grabbed down two mugs and filled them, grabbing a tray to set them on. He picked up the tray and walked out, also not seeing Bruce. Bruce sighed.

"Love you to boys.I guess I'll wait."

Finally, thirty minutes after that Damian came down. He looked fully awake. He had a tray with a mug, an empty can of sprite, and a martini glass. He set it down and started to wash the mug and glass out. He opened up a large cabnet with at least a hundred martnini glasses in it. He placed the one from the tray completing the uneven rows. He filled the mug up with water and jugged it down. He then left the mug on the counter and looked over at the living room.

"Father, I'm going to tell Grayson that you are here, but if he doesn't come down, it is not my fault." Bruce just smirked as Damian left.

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