The Third Letter.

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You can't blame me for not trying. I do try - you just push me away. You act as though you don't want anything to do with me and that hurts, Gerard. How long have we been together now? A year? I've loved you for so much longer than that, I've watched you fall, I've picked you up, I've done everything I can to help you. I love you so much. I'd do anything for you.

Why did you push me away last night? You just screamed at me and told me to go away. I don't understand what I did wrong. I wanted to fucking help you and you won't let me help you and do you understand how much that hurts?

You're destroying us. I don't want to blame you but you're leaving me no choice. How many letters am I going to have to write before it gets through to you? Thirty? A hundred? I'll write until I'm old and gray if I have to.

I love you, Gerard. Can't you see that? Can't you see that I'd do anything for you? You're the only thing keeping me alive, and soon you're going to take away my only reason to live.

I don't care, anymore. If you die, I die too.

You spent the day in the bathroom. Why were you in there? What did you do? I want to go into your studio and see what you've been up to but I can't. You'll hate me.

Jesus, Gerard. Are you trying to kill me?


Letters To Gerard. [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now