The Seventh Letter.

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So Bert came over today. He asked me where you were. I said that I didn't know, but he could come in anyway. I asked him what he wanted from you. I asked him why he was here. I asked him if he knew what was up with you. He just smiled, and said, "He's been keeping a lot of secrets from you, hasn't he?". I asked him what he meant but he wouldn't say. Bert's a bad man. I don't like him and I don't trust him.

The hours passed, and you still weren't home. He turned to me and asked me where you were. I told him that I didn't know, but he looked like he didn't believe me. He stood up and came over to me. He grabbed a hold of my hair and pulled me to my feet. And do you know what he said? No you don't, because you weren't there. But he said this:

"Your stupid boyfriend owes me money, and he owes me sex. He does not get to take my drugs without some kind of payment." He then threw me to the floor, crouching down so he was level with me. "Consider this your first warning, Frank. If he doesn't get it to me within the week, it's all coming down on you. And believe me," he pushed a hand against my throat, choking me. "it's not going to be fun."

As soon as he left, I locked myself in here, in our room, and I haven't left since. And I can hear you come in now...I need to tell you, Gerard, just in case you don't read this letter.


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