Interlude: Frank (II)

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It just stopped there. No more words, or marks, or anything. As if he'd simply left it.

He wasn't in the apartment; so where was he? Where could he be?

Gerard's mind spun. He'd fucked it all up, surely; he'd made a mess of everything and there was no way he could fix it. If Frank had ended it all for good, Gerard didn't think he could take the guilt he knew would swallow him up. He reckoned that he may as well be dead too.


Gerard whirled around, clutching the letter in his fist, his heart beating wildly. Frank stood in the doorway, tear-stained and messy, his clothes torn and his hair stuck to his head from the rain.

"Frankie." Gerard blurted, hurrying towards his boyfriend, who stepped back.

"Don't touch me."

"Frankie -"

"Don't!" Frank started to cry again, hiding his face from the older. "Go away...just - just go away -"

"Baby -" in a flash of black hair and tattoos, Frank punched Gerard hard in the face.

"You cannot - cannot - do the shit you've done for the past few months and then just think you can make it better like that." He clicked his fingers, his blazing eyes on Gerard's face, Gerard's bloody nose.

"I know, I know, I -"

"And then you turn up when I don't want you to, and you just - I just - have you any idea what you've done?!"

It all came flooding out and all Gerard could do was stand there, holding his throbbing nose as his boyfriend screamed and cried, all because of him. Frank was so obviously done, he had half a mind to just let him get one with it. After all, he'd probably be happier.

Gerard was probably the worst boyfriend in the world - he'd been drinking and taking drugs and neglecting his boyfriend and having sex with other wonder Frank was a mess. Gerard just wanted to hold him and make it all better. Barely a week ago he'd been beaten up, barely a week ago they'd held each other...

"Frank, please, just listen to me -"

"Get out, Gerard." Frank snarled. "Get out. I never, ever, ever want to see you again."

Tears welled up in Gerard's eyes, and he looked down at the letter he held in his hand. "Please - don't do this -"

"This is your fault. You ruined everything. I'm done. We're over. I can't fucking do this anymore."

Gerard absentmindedly screwed his hand into a fist, crushing the letter, and tears spilled from his eyes. He knew he was making a stupid decision, but it was what Frank he pushed past his boyfriend - his ex-boyfriend - and he left.


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