prologue: what have i done?

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Monica couldn't stop thinking 

about the pair who had fallen apart years ago. 

It was the only connection that didn't work out 

in her entire career. 

What have I done wrong?  she thought

as she flipped through the close-knit journals that she'd written in regarding the mishap

and started to enter something new. 

All of a sudden, the feather that she was using fell out of her hand

and fell to the floor. 

Monica had a plan. 


she walked over to the door which her mentor had told her never to open

and pulled on the lock. 

Rusty with age, the lock snapped

and she was let through. 

The musty and damp smell of the room filled her lungs 

as her adapted eyes searched the shelves 

for the one spell she needed to fix her wrongdoing. 

Not that she did anything wrong, but there was no one to tell her that, so the story goes on. 

At last. 

Her bony hand gripped onto a vial with a skull-and-crossbones stuck to it. 

What she didn't know was

that something was about to go horribly wrong. 

She went to her enchantment wall and poured the contents 

on the frames of Ara and Namjoon

placed side-by-side on the wall. 

The pictures slowly turned a light green and swirled around, messing the frame up.

Monica grinned. 

At least this looks like what my mentoré told me would happen...

Then her smile vanished.

At the corner of Ara's picture was a tinge of violet

which slowly spread to the rest of her picture. 

Monica tried to move Namjoon's picture away

but it was too late. 

Soon, both pictures were violet. 

Monica had witnessed the spreading of the worst spell to be created:

the Geoul. 

The Mirror. 

And she knew 

that she would have saved herself all her guilt 

to just leave Ara and Namjoon, 

because the Geoul

was eating their lives up

at that very moment. 

Monica lost it. 

She fell to the floor, barely able to breathe. 

What have I done?

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