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"Skylar come on it's been three days. Please just come out and talk to us!" Caroline pleads from the other side of the door. I've isolated myself in my room since the party. Every possible entrance is locked and my parents are under strict instructions not to let anyone in.
"I got this. I told you I should've done this the night it happened."
"Damon don't!" Stefan yells. I knew he'd do something crazy so I quickly moved out of harms way. Of course I was right when shards of wood went flying in every direction.
"Damon Salvatore!" Caroline used her Mom voice to yell at him also.
"Sky are you okay? Why haven't you talked to us? Baby I'm here for you."
"Stop please! Ugh you're fixing my door."
"You've been locked in here for three days. What have you been eating?"
"Calm down Care. I snuck out when you guys weren't looking and stole some blood bags from the hospital. I'm fine."
"Skylar you were..."
"Shut up my brother is in his room."
"He doesn't know?" Caroline questions.
"No one knows or at least not before."
"Can we please talk about this? We can go to the boarding house." I look around my room and nod at them.

~Salvatore Boarding House~

"Finally you got her out of that damn room."
"Hey Ty." He squeezes me tightly in a hug.
"Are you okay? I've been so worried about you."
"Yes I'm okay. Sorry I worried you all so much."
"Can you please tell us what happened?"
"Fine but it's not a pretty story. You guys should sit down." They find places to sit, and I'm dragged by Damon beside him.

"It started when I was about ten. My parents were having a huge holiday party at our house with all the relatives and friends. It was late and my parents sent my brother and I to bed. I fell asleep..."


Skylar's tiny eyelids lift from their sleep to see a large shadow in her room.
"Shh you don't want to ruin the party do you?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Your mom sent me to check on you." He sat down beside the child on the bed and rubbed her back slowly. His hand crept down farther until they were under her small hello kitty underwear.
"Grandpa what are you doing?" He only covered her tiny mouth. His finger made their way into the little girl. She tried to call for help, but it was useless under the loud music and chatter. The older man unbuttoned his pants, exposing his member and then he climbed on-top of his granddaughter. She screamed and cried, him ripping away every part of her innocence.

~End Flashback~

"That went on until I was fourteen. I couldn't do anything because I felt useless. He took advantage of me and I was too ashamed to tell anyone. It was my dad's dad."
"Skylar..." Caroline was sobbing into Stefan's arm.
"That's not the end. A little before my fifteenth birthday he got really sick and was placed into the hospital. My mom forced me to go see him with her one day after school. Some doctor called her out and I was left alone with him. He would talk to me and tell me how pretty I was. Then he called me closer to him so he could look down my blouse. He was connected to many tubes that helped him breath. When his hand slid up my shirt I lost it. The huge main tube that was mostly breathing for him was in my hand, and I pinched it to stop the flow of oxygen. I watched my grandpa suffocate right in-front of me while I was doing it to him. He couldn't breath anymore, and eventually flatlined. The doctors never knew why he died, they just thought it was his time. I killed my grandpa."

"Baby you can't blame yourself from this."
"But I did it. I could've let him live."
"So that he could still rape you? You did what you had to do."
"He was my grandpa."
"He was your rapist!"
"Damon! I think we should all just cool down and Skylar we're here for you. You're family to us and we'll be here to support you. Please just tell us when you need help."
"Well he's dead so I don't need help."
"Clearly you're struggling with it all."
"No I'm not!"
"Then why won't you marry Damon?"
"Because this just proved we don't know each other well enough yet. Bud out of my relationship Caroline!"
"I'm not trying to bud in but I want to help you."
"Maybe we should just go honey. We'll call you later, and are here for you Sky."
"Thanks Stefan." He and Caroline exit the house with both girls still a bit heated. Tyler strangled me again in a hug and reassured me that none of it was my fault before he followed with Stefan and Caroline.

"I think you need a drink."
"I haven't had sex. I mean besides being rapped. Everyone thinks I was a major slut but I never really was. I did get crazy high and drunk, also I really loved to party and the guys I would hang with got so stoned that they believed they had sex with me and I never cared to correct them, but I never let a guy touch me like that."
"I was wonder why every time we got heated up you ran away."
"I'm sorry, but I'm scared."
"Whenever you're ready, so will I. I won't pressure you into doing anything you don't want."
"You're the only person I've wanted. You've touched me more then I've allowed anyone, and I don't just mean physically. I love you Damon Salvatore."

"So now that I know this, is there anything more?"
"No actually, that's my life story."
"Then can we talk about my proposal?"
"You said we didn't know each other well enough yet, but you just said there was nothing more."
"That's the big stuff. What's my favorite color?"
"My mom's maidens name?"
"When's my birthday?"
"May 16th."
"What's my shoe size?"
"Dammit. When did I tell you all these things?"
"I pay attention to everything you say because I love you."
"Okay but that doesn't change the fact that I don't know much of anything about you."
"What don't you know?"
"I never asked your actual age. I know you died at the age of twenty-five, but how old are you really?"
"Wow. Okay but I can't learn everything about you in a couple of hours, these things take time."
"We have an eternity to learn these things while we're married."
"But what if we find something out about the other that we don't like?"
"It's totally possible. I don't want to rush this because I'm scared out of my mind that I'll lose you."
"I promise that I'm not going anywhere baby." He crept closer to me and rubbed my cheeks softly with his thumb. It graced my bottom lip before I pulled him into a kiss. That was all I needed to hear. I want to marry him, and have crazy adventures for the rest of my existence with Damon Salvatore. Tonight would be the night that I showed him that. We used our vampire speed over to the stairs where I ripped off his shirt and began to kiss every inch of him. Mine was next to go, and then Damon released my hair from the messy bun it was in.

"Are you sure about this?"
"I want nothing more than to be with you here in this moment, as your fiancée." His eyes completely lit up. It sent electricity throughout his body because what came next felt like crazy and intense fireworks.

Here We Go Again: TVD Doppelgänger #5Where stories live. Discover now