He knows what?

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"Pony what r u talking about?" I tried asking confused. "What do you think I know?" he asked frustrated.

"What do mean what do i think you know that i know that you know?" I asked trying to sound annoyed.

" That you stole my book and radio!" He yelles.

"Hey whats goin on?!" Darry said walking into my room.

"She stole my radio and books!" He said mad.

"String bean give them back to him." He said starting to walk out.

"Heres your radio but i dont know where your books are horse boy" I replied giving him his radio.

"The names Ponyboy thank you very much and you know where my books are so give them to me now!" he said getting fustrated.

"I told you I dont have them!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do To!"

"Will you 2 shut up whats the fussing all about?!" Soda stormed in.

"Shes not giving me my books back!"

"I dont have your books dorkinstien!"

We kept arguing till Darry yelled out " Pony she dosen't have them there all under the couch outside with your homework! Jesus! I thought you were supposed to be the smart one" he said jokingly.

"well im smarter then her" he snickered.

they both left and i stayed up late trying to get my homework done. I finally finished around 11:30 and man was i tired. Then around 1:20 there was a knock at my window.

"Dall what you doin?"

"Wanna go to the new bar down the street? its called big macks bar" he said with a smile.

"Sorry but im to tired maybe another time." I said tired. 

"Man we havent done anything together lately. youve been boring!"

"Have not. How about tomorrow you give me a ride to school and after school and we'll go to the arcade or bucks alright?"

"Fine" he smirked

He then left and i fell back asleep but why did that place sound familiar?

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