Flight Home

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We all got to the airport finally and flashing Cameras were still going off. The hole way here Bob was silent. Not a peep or anything. It was peaceful. We got our bags checked in and went to the cafeteria.
"Alright can I get 8 cheeseburgers 2 of them with extra spread another with bacon and 1 plan and the other with everything but no tomatoes and the rest regular please" Ponyboy order for us. I changed into pj pants and a green top then We all sat and ate. The guys also changed into there PJs so we could fall asleep on the plane.
"Alright so what are we doing about u going on tour?" Darry asked taking a huge bight out of his burger.
"Honestly...I'm not ready to leave you guys. I would rather go with u guys then leave bye myself" I smiled. They all nodded. Then Steve spoke up.
"So we can't get rid of her?" Soda shoved him and smacked him upside the head.
"Well that's ur call we're glad to keep u" Soda said giving me a nuggy. We got on the long flight. This time we sat together. I got a window seat with Johnny sitting next to me with Ponyboy sitting next to him. Then behind us was Dally Darry and Two bit then I'm front of us was Steve Sodapop and Bob. I kicked Steve's seat and Soda would tell me to stop and would sound firm but would wink at me to keep goin. Soda was always laid back about that kind of stuff. Me and him always enjoyed annoying him. Ponyboy was to nice to do anything like that. I would once in a while look outside the window to see the pretty street lights. Then tell Dally to look outside and I would get him all worked up because he was afraid of hieghts. I finally started getting tired. We still had 3 more hours to go. I leaned on Johnny as he put his arm around me. I started thinking of my plan then finally fell into a deep sleep. We finally landed. I woke up to Johnny shaking me awake. I got up and walked out of the plane falling asleep at every stop. Sodapop gave me a piggy back ride to the truck. Everyone rode home in the back of the truck but me and Johnny rode inside with Darry driving. We dropped Bob off with his bags then headed home. Johnny then carried me inside.
"She's gettin big to be carried" Soda laughed.
"Soda the other Day Darry had to carry you to ur room because u wouldn't move off the couch where I was supposed to sleep" Dall said all grumpy. Soda just ya yaed him off. Johnny slept in bed with me. I was to tired to even stay up.

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