Bad ideas

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It was a short fall. I fell on my back into the water (darn it was cold and eww). I dragged myself out of the river and quickly hid under the bridge. After a while, I heard bikes revving up and leaving.

Soon afterwards,  I heard sirens and a helicopter. I made my way around and onto the bridge. I saw my driver... Tied up, bleeding from the legs and some other people too. I rushed to help them. It was a painful sight. Agent Ogbuefi ran up to me.

"Are you guys alright?" He said getting on a knee to aid the driver up.

"So far so good." I said. He asked me bout what happened and I gave him the full details from the sword to the shield to the fall. He commended my bravery.

"We're going back to the compound, wanna come?" He continued.

"No thanks, I'll walk home" I said.

The agent took the driver and got onto the heli... I stared in a very surprised gaze. Frustration, feeling of loss, all filled my mind. Today of all days is when you finally use a heli? When I planned I'd walk home? I just threw away my opportunity to fly. Ugh!!

I walked. It was not really a long journey. Close to my house, I remembered that kid from the traffic jam and burst into laughter. It was comedy gold.

I got home. Immediately I got home, the phone rang. That was strange. I got closer and picked it up. Mr. Tolu came on.

"Mr Ogochukwu, what happened today will be a secret. You won't tell a soul about it. The government doesn't want to put other people in danger. People who know you have powers are a leverage. So, you'll report back in two days time. Is that understood?"

"Yes... sir" I uttered with an air of confusion. There was a click and the line went dead.


At a restaurant the next day with Danny I was really amped telling him fake stories.
"You won't believe what happened yesterday" I narrated the whole ordeal that went down yesterday and oh, told about my powers. Stupid me, disobeying a direct order. I mean, Danny wasn't just anybody. I gave him a little show to clear his doubts and blow his mind. He was astonished.
"Being a super hero, you need a code name." He said looking rather serious, hand on chin serious. "It has to be cool, catchy and easy to spell" he added and we both burst into laughter. Sometimes people called us crazy twins... We just understood each other.
"What about 'the metal guy!'

"What, no"

"Metal boy?"


"Weird guy?"

"Dude are you even trying?"

"OK, I got it.... 'Ironkid' like 'Ironman' ?"

"Meh, I don't want to live in someone else's shadows. I've always fancied Trix" I said with a shrug. "My powers are somehow like trickery... Now it's not there, now its there. You get me?"

"Yeah, I think I should be 'getting' you. Trix it is. I smell an origin story" he said tingling with excitement.

"Neh, that's like 6, 7 chapters of my life back, I would have told you then but it wasn't this interesting."

"You've already had your origin story?" He asked leaning towards me. I nodded slowly leaning away. "fine. Can I be your guy in the chair then?"

"What? Why? I'm working with the government already and... I'm sorry?"

"Well it's OK. It's cool and the best part is that this will be an awesome chic magnet." He said staring at his imagination.

"I don't do girls bro. Showing off is out of it."

"Even if it were for Anita?
(Anita was my one time crush that left for Russia, though we chat, I really do miss her a lot)
Your internet Bestie from SA, Mihlali? Or even your superfine mentor, Princess Harry?" He said teasing me.

"No man, its better they don't know. The less people know, the better they sleep." I said and gulped down my cup of juice. "Wanna head to the bank. Wanna come?"

"My day is free, let's go"


"Mr Tolu, I'm sure you're now aware of what the asset is capable of. Remember what happened to the soldiers on the day of his extraction. Their deaths have to be avenged."

"Yes sir. He's just a boy, let's take it slowly"

"We don't have time for slow, that lumerer is not a patient person."

"I understand you sir."

"Do not forget why this agency is still being funded"

"Yes your Excellency sir"

We got to the bank and the proceedings were slow. I decided to hit the bathroom while waiting. I got in, moments later I heard shouting.

"Bring the money! You mad?"

I slowly opened the door and saw gunmen. I would've wet myself if I hadn't just gone. Everyone was either lying or sitting on the floor. I saw Danny, fidgeting. The cashier lady packing the money into bags. As fate would have it, she had triggered a silent alarm and the military got there on time. All 5 gunmen were trapped in. The military on the megaphone ordered them to come out with their hands  on their heads. They refused and rather told the military to back away or they'd shoot people. Damn, it was bout to get real. The military refused and called it a bluff. One of them cocked his gun, shot in the air and put it to Danny's head. Come on! I hadn't even finished level one of my training. I had to do something... I rushed out.

Thanks so much. I really appreciate someone appreciating me.


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