Break ups and farm help

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I walked into the cafeteria and head towards table containing Flippy, Bangle, Doodle, and Clover.

"Hey Apple." Flippy said as I sat down next to him.

"Hey Flippy." I said. " Hey Bangle."

''Fine. Don't say hi to me." Doodle complained.

"Hey Doodle," I said, rolling my eyes and laughing at my best friends comment.

"What about me?" Clover whined.

"So Doodle, did you hear about how good of a harvest season Sweet Apple Acres is having?" I asked Doodle, completely ignoring Clover.

"Yeah, I hear this is the best harvest in years." Doodle stated.

"It helps that we have Apple Bloom working this year."

-Flippy Chips POV-

"I bet it does. The more help you have, the better your harvest is." I told her.

"If only we had more help on the farm," She continued, "but people just don't like being out on the farm and helping me and Big Mac."

"I'll do it." I offered.

"Would you really? That's great!" she stated in pure joy.

"Of course. In fact, I will start today. You know, because it's Friday," I said.

"Okay. Do you want to walk home with me then?" she asked.

"Sure!" I told her.

The bell rang, telling us to go to first hour.


*still FCs POV*

I got my lunch and sat with Doodle.

"Do you like her?" He asked when I sat down, not bothering to look at me, but instead staring at his good while his hands were in his lap.

"What?" I asked in utter confusion staring at him.

This time he looked up.

"Do you like Apple Jack?" He asked studying my face as if he was trying to figure out the answer.

"No." I told him.

"Be careful. I don't want her hurt." He said seriously.

"Why would she get hurt?" I asked confused.

"Don't hurt her." He said a little annoyed.

"How would I hurt her?" I pried.

"Just don't hurt her!" He snapped.

"I wont," I said surprised that he yelled. I would never hurt her on purpose.

He sighed," I didn't mean to yell, I just don't want her to get hurt."

"I don't either."


I got my food and sat down next to Rainbow and Pinkie.

"Hey," Rainbow greeted.

"Howdy," I said in my country accent, " I got some farm help after school today."

"Really? Who?" Rainbow asked.

" Flippy offered to when we were talking this morning." I explained.

"Are you guys going to walk home together?" Pinkie asked

"Yeah," I said smoothly.

We finished eating just in time to go to sixth hour.The girls had already left, but I was waiting for Doodle so we could walk to sixth hour together.

~after school~

I met Flippy by the stop sign on the north side of the school.

" Hey Apple," he said when he saw me.

"Hey Flippy. You ready?" I asked.


We started walking and talking about the most random things.

~ten minutes later~

(At the farm)

*Apple Jack's phone rings*

"Hello." I answered

"Hey Apple Jack! Me and Pinkie were wondering if you wanted to come skating with us." Rainbow said.

"Okay, that sounds good. I'll see you later."

*hangs up*

"Hey Flippy. Do you want to go skating later with me and a couple of friends?" I asked.


"We should get ready."I said.

"Okay. I'll get ready and will be back in an hour." He said. And with that he left.

I went up stairs to get ready.

I put on some skinny jeans and an orange crop top with a red apple on it. I decided on a natural look so I put on foundation, eye liner, mascara, and light pink lip gloss. I put it on while waiting for my hair straightener to warm up. When I was done getting ready it was almost time to go. I grabbed my phone and stood by the door waiting for Flippy. just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey," I said when I opened the door. He stood there staring at me for a second.

"You ready?" He asked.

"No," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes and laughing.

"Let's go then," he moved out of the way.

When we arrived to the skating rink, everyone else was already there.

"They're finally here! Yay, we are gonna have so much fun!" Pinkie yelled in excitement. I soon realized spike wasn't here.

"Where's your boyfriend Pinkie?"

"I broke up with him," she explained.

"That's why we are going skating. To make her hair bouncy." Rainbow whispered in my ear.

*a couple minutes later*

"Hey Apple Jack. Do you want to skate with me?" Flippy asked.

"Ya, sure!" I said excited to go skate with someone.

"Than let's go!" He said holding his hand out for me to take. We went into the rink and started skating hand in hand. A few minutes later the announcer guy said it was time for couple skating.

"Do you want to sit back down? Because we don't have to keep going if you don't want to." Flippy said.

"No, I want to keep skating." I told him.

The lights dimmed and love songs started to play as the only people skating were skating holding hands, including me and Flippy. He turned his hand a little bit and intertwined our fingers. I looked over at him and smiled while blushing.

*two hour later*

The rest of the night was boring. After we went skating Flippy walked me home and we said our goodbyes.

-----authors note---------------

Guys, I'm sorry if Clover isn't in this chapter. I have big plans for this book and this night is important. Sort of. Apple Jack is mad at Clover for trying to get Bangle Rock to not be her friend.

All that aside. Who ships Flapple? Nobody? Okay.

-Apple 🍎 Jack

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