Apple Jack has a date?

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(A.N. Guys, the authors note at the end of the story is important. Please read it.)

-one month later-

-Apple Jacks POV-

*phone buzzes*

I looked at my phone to see that I had received a message from Clover.

FROM: Clover

Hey Apple Jack, do you want to hang out at the park today?

TO: Clover


" Hey Flippy, I am going to hang out with Clover at the park, so you can have the rest of the day off," I called over to Flippy.

-Flippy POV-

She is going to hang out with Clover. Wait, why am I upset? I don't like her.

"Okay," I responded simply.

_______ Hour Later___________

-Apple Jack POV-

I arrived at the park and sat on the bench for five minutes before Clover showed up.

" Hey Clover," I greeted. This may be a little awkward because I know he likes me.


We started walking and talking. Ten minutes in, we ended up holding hands and laughing. this continued for an hour until it started getting dark. When we got to my house(he walked me home), we stopped at my front door.

" Apple Jack, I really like you. Do you want to maybe go on a date with me sometime?" he asked.

" Sure." I responded.

"Okay, goodnight Apple Jack," he said with a smile on his face.

I walked inside and saw Big Mac, Doodle, and Flippy sitting on the couch.

" You got home later than usual, I was starting to get worried," Doodle said. Classic Doodle, always looking out for me.

"Are they staying here tonight Big Mac?" Sometimes Doodle and Flippy would stay the night with Big Mac. They were his closest friends.

"Eyup," he responded.

" Okay. I am going to bed. I'm tired. Goodnight boys!" I called while walking upstairs.

" Goodnight Apple, sweet dreams. Love you!" Doodle called from downstairs. We were always saying that. We only meant it in a best friend sort of way.

" Night AJ!" Flippy yelled.

" Night," Big Mac said. he usually doesn't say much except for yup and nope.

And with that, I went to bed.

_______________ A.N. I know it's short, but was it okay? This is the first time I have updated on the computer and my 'a' button doesn't work as well as it should, so I had to keep retyping some words. I am leaving for vacation today and I wont be able to update for two weeks. I know, it sucks. Luckily, I have all summer to update chapters. What do you think about the story so far. I would love if you commented and voted for this story. This is the first story I have written on WattPad, so I want to know if I am an ok writer. If this story gets good reviews, then I might write another about something else. What do you think about Clover? Who is your favorite character in the story? I am sorry that the girls aren't in here much, I am going to try to change that. Also, I want to add more of the conversations/ more dialogue. I would love to here what you think, and if you liked this chapter or any of the previous chapters, or even if you like the story as a whole, please vote for it or them. If you love this story, you could recommend it to one of your friends. It puts a smile on my face to know that people actually read this. This is probably the longest authors note I've done and I know that most people don't even read them. I love you my pony people!

-Apple Jack

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