*21th January 2041*
"Kerri come here." A voice shouted from far away.
"No, I'm not coming." I shouted louder.
"You should listen to me, Kerri." A man said tilting my neck, breathing deeply.
"It won't hurt, that much." He whispered digging his sharp fangs into my neck.
I screamed as I woke, drenched in sweat and tears.
My door flung open and my mum ran in.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it was just a bad dream." I said wiping my forehead.
She nodded and walked out of the room, shutting the door slowly.
I reached over to get my phone but I picked up something else. A note.
I know what you did last night. You looked up the murder and searched up supernatural. You cant hide it from me. You can't hide anything from me. If you mention to anyone about yesterday you will turn out like Emily...
Reading that letter was like getting hit in the stomach with a brick, I felt sick just reading the last sentence. I need to know how he got that note in my room. Unless he got in my house and put it there. But that is a stupid idea, we have an automatic burglary alarm that turns on at midnight.
I got up and grabbed my jeans, plain black chiffon blouse, a black vest and headed to the bathroom.
After changing and getting ready, I grabbed my dirty clothes and walked to my bedroom. Luke was sat on my bed reading my notes and letters.
"What are you doing in here luke" I said chucking my laundry in the basket and stormed over to him.
"Ashton wrote this." He said bitting his lip piercing.
"What has it got to do with you?" I said snatching the letter and ripped it.
"I know what he is like kerri. If he keeps on doing this just tell me." He said pulling my hands away from the letter. I watched as the pieces fell to the floor slowly like feathers.
"How do you know what he's like?" I said looking up at Luke.
"I'm not going to answer anymore of your questions Kerri." He said walking out of the room.
"I havent finshed what I was saying." I said pulling him back into my room.
"Fine. What do you want to know?" He gave in, crossing his arms.
"Well... How can Ashton see me even though my curtains are closed? And how did he get that note in here in the first place? Its not like he can just walk in and put a note next to me without anyone knowing. Or without the alarm going off." I spoke quickly.
"I cant answer that! I'm not psychic...but if he is doing this then he's really good at sneaking about." Luke rubbed my back to calm me down.
"Thanks Luke." I said hugging him.
"It's ok if you need me I'll be with Calum, Mike and Ashton, if he decides to show up." He said walking out.
I looked around to put away my notes about supernatural and paranormal things. But I couldnt find them on my table were I left them. As I got up to check in my drawer, I heard a creak of floorboards. I spun around and saw Ashton standing in the corner of my room.

FanfictionKerri hemmings is a normal 18 year old girl who does cheerleading and goes to school.One school say a very Handsome boy called Ashton Irwin is new to Kerri's school but he isn't no ordinary teenage boy he is something/someone different more like a s...