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songs: (in order) :)

Avril Livinge-when your gone

Boys like Girls-Be my everything

Taylor Swift-Blank Space

*February 14th January* 10:06PM

"Issac I'm sorry I can't do this! I came to have a 'good time' I can't just kiss you..." I trailed of in shock to what happened! I hate Issac i don't know whats going on,I'm so confused.

"But what?!" He shrugged in anger.

"But I love Ashton"I admitted.

"I knew it,I knew this kiss meant nothing to you even when I told you the truth about ME loving you NOT HIM!" he said getting angry,his face started to change;his eyes turned blood red,his skin became pale grey colour and lastly his veins raged out of his skin.I felt my body shiver and blood rush to my heart faster.

"Look what you are doing" Issac said tighten his fits.

"Isaac please don't hurt me!" I backed away slowly trying to calm him down.

"No Kerri! I told you what was true,no secrets and now you have me angry" he gritted his teeth.

"Please,I didn't mean to make you angry its not my fault my heart wants something else" I teared up as I stopped to confront Issac.

"That kiss was the closest I was going to get close to love,I don't love Ruby I want you" he said stopping in front of me letting his fangs show.

"I look like your fucking sister,isn't it weird" I reported.

"Your not like her at all,she was stubborn and not as caring you,you nearly died for Ashton that has some guts to risk your own life for a loved one" he said as his fangs hid back into his gums.

"I'm going home Isaac" I picked up my dress,took off my high heels and placed them under my arms.

"Why don't I walk you home! Its safer" he softly said.

"I think its safer to walk on my own than walk with you" I giggled and walked away.

Ashtons p.o.v

I drove home after the performance and the kiss i witnessed between Kerri and Issac. I really don't know what I saw,but I know they were eating each others faces.Tonight was the night to win Kerri back AGAIN! Because I had ruined the trust between me and Kerri I'm such an idiot.

I slowed down to see a figure walking on the verge of the road,the figure became clear it was a girl with a long red dress on her hair was blonde and scruffy.Kerri.

I came to a halt next to Kerri but she kept walking,I let my car roll at the same speed of Kerri.I leaned over to open my window wide open to let the cold air sweep in.

"Kerri,what are you doing walking in the dark alone" I questioned in confusion.

"why do you care?" She said not even trying to make eye contact.

"because Kerri i care for you even if we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend" i admitted "please can you get in the car so i can take you home safely,you don't need to speak to me" i came to a halt and opened the passenger door.

"fine" she softly replied.Kerri jumped in the car,slammed the door,still not talking to me.

I shook my hair and pulled away, " you know i should be the angry one here" i pointed out.

"really Ashton,did someone tell you that they loved you and said you didn't love,they turned into a vampire and nearly bit me! anything worse than that,go ahead tell me your soppy story" she exploded with words. i cant believe she told me that! Issac loves her,why?

"Well my story was that i wanted to impress a girl by setting up a big date,take her to London and have a fancy dinner,but when i tried to look for her she had lips on another boy,who i hate" i explained,i really did have a plan.until she broke it.

"whats this girls name" she said in a worried voice knowing i knew everything.

"you Kerri you" i said in a harsh tone.

"i did no such thing" she gritted her teeth to face me,her eyes were puffy and her lips were blue.

"really Kerri, i caught you red handed but i didn't react" I said letting the thoughts run wild around my head.

"i didn't do that on purpose he done it,i just didn't know what to do" she sniffed,i looked over to see tears falling down her face slowly.

I pulled up to her house as i stopped she wiped her tears and opened the door and exited the car without saying a word.

"Kerri wait" i quickly walked out of the car running up to her, i grabbed her arms and turned her around to face my way. "i need you back,this thing between us i hate it.Its either you love me or not!" i spoke up.

"i need sometime to think Ashton" She closed her eyes and shoved my hands off of her.

"To think about what Kerri, if you are going to fall for Issac or fall for me again!" i errupted.


"What?" i tilted my head in confustion.

"ugh!" she faced me with inches away from me


WITH MY OWn mouth


because i love you" Kerri said dropping her shoes on the ground,she ran towards me as smell rose perfume traveling around the space between us she forced her lips on mine,they tasted like fruit punch from the school sweet and perfect.Iplaced my hands on her lower spine and she place her hands on my shoulder blades.Getting further into the kiss i begged for enterence she let my tounge slip in our noses and hair touched as our tounges twirled and swirled around also making me feel weasy,im in love.

"That was a bit to fast" she pulled away and blushed.

"um...i dont think so!" i disagreed.

"you would say that,you want me" she blushed.

"you want me too" i bit my tounge and she shoved me "just sayin" i put my hands up.

We turned around to see Kerris mum and dad standing at the door.

"this is embaressing" i muttered in her ear. she kissed my cheek and smiled.

"I guess you had a good night" Kerris mum said as she smiled at us two who were close.

"it started bad but crappy but ended good" Kerri said picking up her shoes from the ground and walked into her house past her mum and dad.

"do you wanna come in for a cup of tea or maybe a beer?" Kerris dad asked to break the ice.

"no its okay im going to go home but thank you anyway" i waved bye to Kerri throw her window and jumped in my car to go home.

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