*24th January 2041*
"you must kerri,ive heard a lot about you" the man said in a husky sly voice
"harry? what are you doing here?" ashton said after a long pause.
"im here to see my big brother" he said rubbing his head and ran to the living room
"your brother?" I shouted under my breath
"ill explain later" he said kissing my forehead as I followed him to the living room were harry was.
I sat down on the couch next to ashton gripping tight on his hand.
"so whos this?" harry said slamming his legs on the coffee table making a little crack in the glass
"this is my girl friend kerri, kerri this is my brother harry" he introduced us, I thought harry would be older just looking at his appearance but the way he acts is immature.
"your girl friend? I can't believe you have a girl-friend knowing what you are" he said raising his coner lip
"shut up harry" he rolled his eyes
"are you friends with benifts?" he said as his smirk got bigger, my cheeks got blood shot red with anger, I wanted to hit his so hard in the face.
"harry-" before he could say anything else he spoke
"is she wearing make up, because if she wasnt she is naturally a gremlin" he said laughing louder,I stormed out of the room, grabbed my shoes and ran out of the house in tears, I have never meet anyone so mean apart from the sluts at school, he has hurt my feelings for calling me a gremlin I just wanted to walk out before I grabbed a knife and stabbed him.
"kerri, wait" ashton said running out of the house in his boxers.
"no ashton your brother has hurt me and also to add onto that you have a BROTHER, you said you lost your family" I carried on walking faster away from him
"he is a prick, I hate him so much but I cant answer why he is alive" he said touching my his softly making me come to a hult. "please come back"
"It's always secrets with you isnt it Ashton,just forget the date okay?" I shouted, my tears have stopped falling I felt like that I dont need to cry over a pathetic boy.
"im so sorry kerri, its just I need to keep this private for our sake"
"for our sakes-" I repeated but shortly cut off by ashton
"I want to keep you safe from the bad people in this crazy, murderous world, kerri im doing it for us" he changed his expression when he saw my tears fall
"im going to school dont even bother showing up, stay here and talk to your brother about our sex I don't care" I stormed away but not hearing any foot steps behind me, maybe I wasnt worth the fuss because if he wanted me he would do anything for me
"you wait kerri ill win you over" he shouted across the field that separates us.
I arrived at home at 9:30,2 hours late for school I crept through my house looking though every room to see if anyone was here, but no sign of them.
I went to my room but my clean spare school clothes on,messy pony tail and applied mascara and foundation.i grabbed my bag and walked out of the house, seeing my younger sister by my car door,shit!
"why are you not at school?" ellie asked holding my keys in one hand
"I forgot my cheerleading things! they were in the wash" I lied grabbing my keys from her
"no you wasn't, you was at that fit boys whats him..ashton" damn! she court me I felt my face go red as they burn like fire. "omg you was! dont worry im not going to tell"
"Thanks so much ellie-"
"no its because mum already knows" she laughed as she spoke
"how?" I groaned
"luke told her but only that you hurt yourself and you slept there because you was tired" she said making me breath normally again, I was so worried that luke would of spilt the beans but no he didnt.
"okay well, I need to go to school" I said opening my car door "how comes your off?" I asked ellie
"im ill" she pretends to cough and I laugh from how bad of a lier she is.
"yeah ok" I said sarcasticly and drove away laughing to myself listening to the radio.
I arrived at the school at 10:00 I headed to english through the empty school halls alone
"hello kerri just sit down we are watching the midsummer nights dream from Shakespeare" mrs.reeding said
I sat down next to ruby not saying a word to me.
"hey" I whispered
"hey, how comes you wasnt there for the game yesterday?" ruby asked
"I felt really ill and I ended up sleeping for 14 hours but i feel better now" I lied, based on today my lies have got bigger and bigger and I cant control them.
"thats great you feel better" she said smiling and turning her attention to the movie, for the whole lesson I daydreamed about the last couple of hours . I couldn't get over ashton and his ass for a brother, the tears suddenly started falling but I didnt know why.
"kerri, are you ok?" ruby said in shock
"yeah just the movies getting to me" I lied
"its not even sad this bit, please just tell me whats happened" she said waiting for me to say something but nothing is escaping my mouth I didnt want to tell her that I slept with ashton and that he is the best in bed or he is an vampire im so lost in my own thoughts I dont know what to say.
"so..." she asked
"don't worry, just over thinking"

FanfictionKerri hemmings is a normal 18 year old girl who does cheerleading and goes to school.One school say a very Handsome boy called Ashton Irwin is new to Kerri's school but he isn't no ordinary teenage boy he is something/someone different more like a s...