*credit for picture above to my amazing editing skills*
*10th February 2041*
It has been 10 whole days since being shot with garlic! Yeah I know not the most hurtful thing but it is to Ashton.
"So your completely fine your scar is clearing up quite quicky" The nurse said taking down notes smiling at my mum and dad.
"That's really good news" my mun said holding my hand,I jerked away because it wasn't a big deal anymore I was shot but I was filled with garlic.
"But there's something we didn't tell you,we only told kerri" I began to fill with worry.what is she gonna say? "The gun wasn't a bullet as such,it was filled with garlic" my mum and dad faces turned towards me questioning me with their looks,I shrugged.
"So she got shot but it wasnt a real bullet?" My dad asked.
"Correct" my mum and dads faces changed from confusion to deep thought.
"Kerri,why was there garlic in the bullet?" My mum stuttered.
"I don't know" I lied.
"Thank you for your time nurse" my mum got up and walked out quickly making me and my dad follow shortly behind.
"whats the matter with mum?" I questioned my dad.
"Im really no sure" he answered, questionably.
We got home without saying a word only the radio on the background "investigations are being carried out about the shotting of a 17 year old girl,Kerri Hemmings.If you have seen anythimg please contact the police helpline 0800 34173" my body filled with shock,it was 10 days ago and they are only starting the investigation.English police.
"Babe,did you hear that they are going to find the shooter" my dad turned around to let me see a smile across his face.
"I know who done it" I mumbled.
"Sorry I didnt catch that?" My dad wondered.
"I said thats good news" I lied.again.
We got back home as my mum and dad walked up to my house I walked the opposite direction towards Ashtons house.
"where do you think your going?" My mum questioned.
"Going to Ashtons" I said in slight anger.
"No honey you need to rest plus he is at school" my mum pointed out.
"I'm a seventeen year old girl who has rested just under a fortnight and also I would like to point out I have a boyfriend" I said in frustration tugging on the sleeves,stomping away like a child. I arrived at Ashtons house fuming,hopefully he could cheer me up non sexual.I knocked on the door repeatedly until I got an answer.
"Harry I told you to go back to Australia-" Ashton opened the door "sorry babe I thought it was-"
"Harry,yeah I know" I said with a straight face.
"Kerri,what's wrong?" He asked wrapping his hands around my body already making me feel better.
"My mum and dad are treating me like I'm a baby like I can't do anything for myself and on the way home from the hospital,I heard the police saying that they are looking for the person who shot me! But I know who it is I can't tell my parents" I started to cry,I teared streamed down my face.
"That's what parents do even my parents done that to me as I transforming into a vampire but Issac is in the village,hes not leaving until he has what he wants,revenge" he said getting go of me amd kissed my forehead.
"Am I going to get shot again?" I said sarcastically.
"Not unless you step in front bullet like last time" he laughed.
"Only because I wanted to save your life like a good girlfriend" I bit my top lip.
"Im suppose to be the one saving you" Ashton said like a little child.
"yes your right because I am your cinderella " I laughed.
"More like cinderella before the glass clipper" I slapped his arm with shock and he started to laugh uncontrollably.
"Ive never known someone so mean before" I huffed.
"Yes you have! My brother and issac" he reported.
"True" I ammited.
"Come on lets go inside" he winked.
We got inside, he slammed the door and started to kiss my lips with force his tongue entered my mouth,swirling his tongue on my gums I felt a small tiggle making me giggle.
"Do you remember what I said ten days ag?" I disconnected our lips to speak.
"Yes, 'we will finish this later' I remembered it nice and clearly" he winked and started to place small sucks and kisses to my neck.
"Ashton" I moaned.
"Babe you'll be moaning more soon enough" he whispered slowly.
Ashton trailed his hands to my bum grabbing it fiercely,I placed my hands on the wall behind me making me feel the cold rough brick, scratching my arm.I felt a slight pain but the enjoyment of Ashton hitting my soft spot took over.He stopped kissing my neck and moved down to my collarbone than to my shoulder blade.He stopped to say something.
"Sorry I can't do this" Ashton ammited.
"Whats wrong Ashton?" I saw him becoming angry.
"I can't have sex with you knowing someone is listening" He said reported.
"Issac?" I asked.
"Yes" he sighed.
"I don't care,you love me right" I winked.I wanted to finish this so badly but he was thinking about Issac to much.
"Im so sorry Kerri but I can't do this while Issac is here" he said creating a big space between us.
"So that means I cant have sex with my boyfriend unless Issac is no where near us" I said becoming angry,who the fuck does issac is messing up my sex life! I sound like a slut. God.
"Your not a slut Kerri" he smiled showing his perfect white teeth.
"I forgot you can read my mind" I closed my eyes in laughed.
"So,wanna watch a movie?" He asked.
"Sure because we can't do anything else" I pointed out.
I took my shoes off and got a piggy back to the living room,laughing and giggling like children at primary school we got into the living room stumbling with every step,mine and Ashtons faces changed expressions.
"What is this?" I lowered my tone to see a portrait of a girl who looked the same a me the woman was wearing a dress from the 1940's smiling, her hair was short and blonde and wide brown eyes. Who is this?
"Ashton this is a 90th anniversary present of my sister's death,so I thought you would like this picture-" Issac came around the dark corner holding a cigarette between his teeth,puffing put the smoke. "Of her" he finished.
"Mary?" I asked,standing in front of Ashton who had said nothing.
"Yes,this is her. She looks a lot lile you doesnt she.Ashton."
Will Kerri find out the turth?
P.s. a really awesome account on wattpad was hacked at 2.9k would you please follow @nialls_loser :)

FanficKerri hemmings is a normal 18 year old girl who does cheerleading and goes to school.One school say a very Handsome boy called Ashton Irwin is new to Kerri's school but he isn't no ordinary teenage boy he is something/someone different more like a s...