Chapter 1: Tough Love

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This chapter is dedicated to Bhebel15 for all of her Invaluable help! She is an excellent writer! I admire her and her work.

Revised, Published Version

19th Century, Manhattan, New York

"Please, Mother! I'm begging for you to understand and listen to me!" Jade clutched her handkerchief. "I cannot fathom moving to London, and I will do anything to remain here where I belong!"

Bella rubbed the hair from Jade's eyes and lifted her chin. "Jade, we must go. There is nothing left for us here, my love. You are no longer a child but a grown woman, and 'tis time, you started acting like one. Your father, bless his soul, spoiled you, but I will not give in to your dramatics," she announced with calm reserve. "This behavior reiterates that you have much to learn and are not ready to make such decisions yourself."

Jade stood with defiance glistening in her red-rimmed eyes. "I'll even marry him if we can remain here, and then Father's legacy will be secure!"

"No, you shall only marry for love, as did I!" In a tender gesture of maternal affection, Bella grabbed Jade's hand before continuing, "Darling, this is not a punishment, and you will thank me one day. We must go home to my family—our family. With your father gone, they are all we have left."

Bella released her daughter's hands. "This is for the best, my darling. Going home will help mend my heart and yours. It will be the fresh start we need, and I will not change my mind."

She realized this was it and felt like her life was over. With tears streaming down her face, Jade dropped her head in defeat and turned away from her mother.

With kindness, Bella spoke to her retreating form, "We depart in a fortnight, darling, so be wise with the rest of your time here."

Fighting the temptation to flee, Jade raised her head high and quit the room. In a daze, she headed to her bedchamber, where she could lick her wounds. I need privacy and time to figure out what else I can do. There must be another way. Her stubborn mind refused to believe this was it. Once alone, Jade threw herself on the bed and wept. She sobbed until there were no longer any tears left to cry. A soft knock sounded on her door, but Jade ignored it.

Abagail, Jade's closest friend, who liked to play the part of a lady's maid, companion, or whatever role she deemed fit, cautiously entered the room. Jade lay crumpled in a heap of skirts upon the bed, and she rushed to her side. Abagail, used to Jade being strong, outspoken, and spirited, hesitated before seating herself on the bed.

Jade rolled toward her with swollen red eyelids, wet cheeks, and disheveled ruby locks. Her eyes held pure anguish. "I cannot stand to see you like this." She rubbed Jade's arm.

At Abagail's concerned look, Jade exclaimed, "Oh, Abby, what shall become of us?"

Abagail embraced her dearest friend, rocking back and forth, and whispered, "Shhh, everything will work out just as it should. You shall see, and if it doesn't, I will be there with you every step of the way."

With a measure of relief in her voice, Jade declared, "I can't do this without you, Abby!" Hugging each other, they vowed nothing would ever come between them. Their friendship, though created from a tragedy, only made their bond stronger. She is the sister of my heart, Jade mused to herself.

Jade knew Abagail would follow her and Bella to the ends of the earth if they asked. After her parent's unexpected death, they welcomed Abagail into the Fulton family and raised her as their own. Abagail was family. Abagail rose to leave. "No more tears, love. I shall return and attend to you before dinner."

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