Chapter 5: Moonlight Rendezvous

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This chapter is dedicated to TraceyStevens8 and to SueHart2 for amazing support and help. Both are amazing published authors!

 Revised, Published Version

Getting out of the house undetected was easier than she thought, but her anger rose. Jade had been in London less than twenty-four hours and was outside alone in what would appear as a clandestine romp. Jade didn't give a whit what society thought, but she loved her family and did not want to cause them a scandal or embarrassment.

Too busy pacing and berating herself for agreeing to this madness, Jade forgot to grab a shawl. She shivered as the chilly air surrounded her and rubbed her upper arms for warmth. She sat on a concrete bench in a hidden nook of the rose garden. This garden had been one of her favorite places to hide as a child, and memories of her beloved grandfather flooded her. Marshall Lennox, the Fourth Duke of Lancaster, held an acute fondness for his oldest granddaughter, and Jade bit back tears thinking about him.

She would never get over not being able to say goodbye. Jade had a fierce love for him that rivaled her affection for anyone. She cherished her memories of her grandfather and her extended yearly visits to England to be near him.

So lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the man approaching but heard the crunch of his boots as he neared. "You!" Jade snapped as she jumped from the bench, pointing her finger at him in a whispered shout, causing him to pause.

"My sincerest apologies, Miss Fulton."

"Do not come one step further. You insufferable man!" Adrenaline coursed through her body as she advanced toward him, continuing her tirade.

"Miss Fulton, pray, calm down! I fear someone will overhear us," the Earl of Lichfield begged in a harsh whisper and peeked over his shoulder.

"How dare you ask me to calm down! Have you any idea what kind of scandal this could cause? Do you care nothing about propriety or my reputation? I may not give a fig about the ton or what society deems inappropriate, but I will not allow you to bring disgrace to my family!" Jade shouted at the unsuspecting earl.

"You are shivering. Please allow me to give you my cloak." William moved toward Jade with caution. Her rage and passionate outburst seemed to shock him. Jade sighed but accepted the cloak. His bright gray eyes shone in the moonlight, and she watched his frown turn to weariness or perhaps concern.

"Again, I wish to apologize for this impromptu meeting, but I fear it is of much importance. I must explain the situation posthaste."

Lord, he is far too handsome. Part of her wanted to continue railing at him, but his serious expression caught her off guard.

"What, pray tell, could be so important? Your note was more of a command than a request. Meeting a stranger unchaperoned in the wee hours of the morning is indeed foolish, my lord." Jade's words had softened, as she pulled his cloak tighter and inhaled its intoxicating scent of pure maleness. Allowing oneself to get distracted like this seemed foolish. Yet, Jade was a romantic, and despite her temper, she couldn't help feeling this was exhilarating and most alluring.

"Things are happening unbeknownst to you, and that's why we are here." William held out his palms in a placating gesture. "And I needed privacy to enlighten you. Your uncle made his displeasure clear after dinner, and I'm now in his black books! I felt it my duty to warn you of the duke's wrath."

The self-assured, cocky rogue from earlier had vanished, and standing before her now appeared to be a concerned gentleman. Jade had an abrupt realization that there was more to the Earl of Lichfield than her initial impression.

"This is a delicate situation, and I assume it will displease you..." William raked a hand through his hair. "While I admit to being intrigued, I know little about you. Though it would be an honor to gain your friendship." He let out a breath of frustration before continuing. "I have the utmost respect for your uncle as a man and a duke. He is honest, kind, and has your best interest at heart. However, he also has his daughter, Miriam's best interest to consider, too."

Upon hearing her cousin's name, Jade bristled. Her confusion was apparent, and her eyebrows drew together, almost touching. "What does Miriam have to do with this?" The way he spoke of her cousin with familiarity caused an unpleasant feeling in her chest.

"Miriam's role is of much importance. My meddling mother and your uncle desire a match between Miriam and myself. I must admit that Miriam seems to have her cap set on me, but I do not return your cousin's affections. Mother wants me to settle down and produce an heir, while your uncle desires the happiness of his only daughter."

While taken aback by this revelation, Jade still couldn't fathom what she had to do with any of this. "My lord, I am still perplexed!" Jade exclaimed with confusion creasing her forehead. "Why do you feel it is necessary to speak to me about such intimate matters?"

"Your uncle will explain everything in the morning, but I didn't want you caught unawares. He might ask you to steer clear of me because he feels we were too partial toward each other before supper." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Those were not his exact words per se, but I shall not utter unsavory words in front of a lady."

Jade pulled his cloak tighter and stared up with determination. "How very noble of you," she said and scoffed. "I appreciate the warning, but I do not fear my uncle's wrath. He must understand I will not act like some prudish, dimwitted debutante. I think his actions are deplorable. Did he speak of me like some light skirt?"

"You misunderstand, Miss Fulton!" He shook his head, continuing in a calmer tone. "He speaks highly of you and wishes to present you for the Season. He only wants to see you make a suitable match, but I fear he already has a husband in mind for you!"

"No, I will refuse!" Jade shook her head. "He has no right to choose my husband. I will not allow him to leg-shackle me to some dandy or fortune hunter! My father did not pressure me to marry, and I will not allow my uncle to do so either." Enraged at her uncle's meddling, Jade now felt very grateful to the Earl of Litchfield.

"I felt obliged to unburden myself to you, Miss Fulton, but I apologize for causing you distress," he announced with sincerity. William stepped closer, holding Jade's hand as he looked into her eyes. His voice grew hard. "But I will not apologize for this." And with a swiftness only a rogue could possess, he captured her lips in his. Without thinking, Jade gave in to the kiss and melted against his firm chest. Without realizing it, her arms wound around his neck, and she allowed him to deepen the kiss. The sensations she had only read about before were now a reality.

I could do this forever. Lost in their passionate embrace, Jade ran her fingers through his hair. An intense frenzy of heat engulfed her, and she relished the feeling. Desire crashed like waves, knocking the breath from her lungs until reality crept into her mind. This is wrong, but it feels glorious. With reluctance, Jade tore her mouth away and missed the heat of his lips. Glancing up with astonishment etched on her flushed face, Jade turned and fled from the garden.


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Lady Lisa

September 2023 Revised Published Version

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