Chapter 27: Blackguards & Bedlamites

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First Draft

"What about Jade?" William immediately perked up and asked with a sly, boyish grin.

"Thrice damnation! Have you tupped her, Lichfield?" Richard asked incredulously.

"Don't be vulgar!" William retorted.

"Vulgar! We are men, the very epitome of vulgarity. Just answer the question, or is that silly smirk on your face, my confirmation?" Richard prayed this wasn't the case, as there were too many unanswered questions regarding the lady and her mysterious employee. He hated the very thought of William having his heart shattered. He'd never known him to be so besotted. Sure, he'd been captivated before, and had always kept a mistress, or two. Nevertheless, Jade was different; he had an obvious tendre for her.

"No." William shook his head to reiterate the single word. "But show some respect, man. I'm irrevocably in love with her. I'll not have you speak of her that way!"

Richard let out a ragged breath and rose, feeling the sudden need to pace. While he was relieved that William had not crossed the line with Jade, it was short-lived. Now, he had to figure out how to explain Mr. Alexander Winferd and his presence here in London.

"Did you hear me? I'm in love with her! She will be my countess!" William declared with heat.

"Yes, yes, I know, but there's something we must discuss, and I fear you shan't like it." Richard stopped meandering around the room and faced his best mate.

A knock resonated through the room, causing Richard a start. "Enter, " Richard commanded in a harsh tone.

A maid entered with a tray. "I have nourishment, as well as your medicine." She set the tray on a table and gave a low curtsey.

"Thank you. I'm quite famished. May I ask your name, miss?"

"It's Millie, milord. I've been helping to care for you." Millie blushed as she busied herself by opening a brown bottle. She grabbed a rather large spoon and proceeded to walk towards his lordship's bed. She carefully poured the liquid into the spoon, her hand quivering ever so slightly. "Open wide, milord. I'd hate to blunder it all by spilling it all over you, " she said nervously, while never averting her eyes from the spoon.

Lord Anson groaned but reluctantly opened his mouth. "Yuck!"

"I'm sorry, milord. I must follow the doctor's orders. And now, you really should eat something. Will there be anything else?" She inquired demurely without meeting his gaze.

"Actually, if you could be so kind as to bring me some brandy. I am not fond of the laudanum; it makes me feel out of sorts, so to speak." Lord Anson gave Millie his best rakish grin and a look akin to desperation. Her head jerked up, and her mouth formed an O.

"That will be all, miss. Pray, forgive the earl's manners." Richard dismissed the maid with a sympathetic look.

"Yes, your lordship." Giving a clumsy curtsey, she hastily made for the door.

"Does that mean you won't bring me any brandy?" William yammered, and pouted to her retreating back.

"Pull yourself together, man. Are you trying to get Miss Millie into trouble? Brandy, for the love of God! Richard shook his head and gestured to the tray of food. At Williams nod, he laid the tray atop his lap.

"Yes, brandy. I do believe I'm allergic to laudanum. It doesn't sit well with me. I don't like how it makes me feel all quivery inside. Like a blubbering idiot, so I've been told. I believe brandy would do the trick."

"What rot!" Richard grumbled. "Brandy wouldn't touch your pain. Your ribs are broke, and unfortunately, I remember that excruciating pain. Quite vividly. So, you'll just have to muddle through with the laudanum."

The Shipping Heiress: The Heiress Trilogy Book 1✔Where stories live. Discover now