Chapter 26: Dramatic Effect

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Revised, Published Version

Bliss, weightlessness, the slow descent toward nothing, brought forth abatement, devoid of static or sound. The gradual spread of warmth flowed from Jade's head, ending with her limbs as the epitome of serenity cradled her soul. ​Time was the enemy as mere seconds took control, while light and sound broke the barrier through tiny cracks in her warm cocoon. Puzzlement followed, but the dread crept back in. Her eyelids fluttered, taking in shards of light, distorted noises, and mangled words as her senses returned.

"Jade, can you hear me?" Abagail stroked her forehead. "I will retrieve the smelling salts, Your Grace." Abagail arose from the floor in a flourish of skirts.

"Meet us in her bedchamber," Lord Lennox told Abagail. "Mr. Winferd, may I beg for your further help?" He nodded at Jade's limp form.

"Yes, of course, Your Grace." Alexander kneeled in a fluid motion and lifted Jade's crumpled body from the floor.

Her eyelids opened, and she blinked, trying to focus. Once she settled her fuzzy vision on Alexander, Jade stiffened. She was being carried in Alexander's arms. "Put me down now, you insufferable swine!" Jade yelled in a fevered pitch.

​"Poppet, you fainted! Mr. Winferd was kind enough to assist, so please mind your tongue and relax. We must take you to your bedchamber at once. When you're settled, I'll send the doctor up." Lord Lennox enunciated his words as if speaking to a child.

"I assure you, I'm fine, and do not need to be carried like an invalid or babe. Please let me down so I can walk to my chambers!" While upset, Jade regretted the added concern she'd caused her uncle.

​Revulsion assaulted her body as Alexander nestled her close, his embrace making her skin crawl, and she feared she might toss up her accounts. His touch felt revolting and made her nauseous. She despised the despicable, odious man, but to feel such loathing was not natural.

​"Let's be safe instead of sorry. I'm sure you feel you know what's best, and perhaps you are correct, but your uncle would be more at ease if you allowed me to finish my task," Alexander declared while ascending the grand staircase with ease.

His condescending remark made Jade's blood boil. "I command you to put me down this instance, you oaf!" Jade wiggled in Alexander's robust and vice-like grip, kicking her legs and pounding at his chest.

"Miss Fulton, calm yourself, or we shall both tumble to our deaths." He continued up the stairs, never missing a beat. Alexander's steps felt confident, like her resistance was a mere irritation, and he gave her a smirk once he reached the top landing.

​Jade was furious and ready to throttle the horse's arse. Every fiber of her being wanted to kick, thrash, and claw the arrogant bastard. Instead, she allowed him to carry her over the threshold, knowing he expected her to fight him at every turn. Alas, she complied to confuse him.

Alexander laid her on the bed, and Jade lifted her head, giving him a demure, ladylike smile. It had the desired effect and Alexander appeared perplexed. Frustration caused an arch of his brow, and he appeared speechless.

"Thank you, kind sir, and my sincerest apologies. I can only pray for your forgiveness. I've been an utter tyrant, and for that, I'm ashamed." Jade hung her head for dramatic effect and sighed.

Two can play this game, bastard.

"No apology necessary, Miss Fulton." Alexander slanted his eyes at Jade, but she nodded, refusing to meet his glare. Perhaps she could beat him at his own game.

Befuddled, Alexander retreated away from the bed. "I shall take my leave if that is agreeable, Miss Fulton."

​Lord Lennox cleared his throat. "Mr. Winferd, would you care to break your fast with me? I shall summon the doctor for her and meet you soon."

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