Chapter 16: Battle Lines

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Dedicated to BeckyManston! Thanks for your support!!

Revised, Published Version

Brown's Hotel, Regency London

Alexander blinked and yawned, finding himself confused as to his whereabouts. After the long, tiring, and dreadful trip from New York to England, he felt pleased to arrive earlier than expected and would have time to acclimate himself and make plans. He knew one thing: he was not leaving England without Jade.

He sat up in the large comfortable bed, hugged his knees, and took in the grandeur of the beautiful yet masculine room. It had cost him a king's ransom, but it would pay off. To appear as a true gentleman, he had to establish himself here, and staying at Brown's Hotel was a great start.

The aristocrats seemed fickle, curious, and meddlesome, but those attributes might end up useful. Alexander's name attached to the Fultons would open up many doors, and he counted on Bella Fulton's hospitality and hoped she would invite him to stay in her home. He would show up at her family estate, make polite excuses for his father, and appear as a devoted son. He just needed to be able to fool her brother, the Duke of Lancaster, and since he was in London, on business for Bella, it just might work.

Yes, being under the same roof as Jade would be most beneficial, and Alexander rubbed his hands together in glee at the mere thought. Jade would present challenges, and now he recognized an additional barrier to gaining her wealth. As he thought of Jade kissing another man, anger coursed through his body, and Alexander knew he would have to put a stop to the man.

After crawling out of bed, he grabbed the bottle of laudanum on the bedside table, and his hands shook as he fought with the top. "Damn it all!" Alexander fell back on the bed, took a deep breath, and uncapped the bottle before gulping down the liquid, lying still until he felt the familiar warmth fill his veins.

Once feeling like himself, he dressed for the day in his finery and pondered his next move. He couldn't wait to see Jade's face, but he knew he must remain patient. Alexander had a lot to accomplish before he could make his presence known, but for now, he relished secretly observing her from afar. It gave Alexander a rush of excitement when he saw Jade slinking around outside alone.

As he followed her, his curiosity grew, but Alexander struggled to contain his rage when he saw the dandy appear from behind a tree. Shocked at Jade's promiscuous behavior, he remained calm and took in the scene unfolding before him. Although this created a bigger problem than he expected, it suddenly turned him on.


The Duke of Lancaster's estate, Regency London

The morning glowed with beauty as the sun shone and the smell of Jasmine permeated the air. Jade and Abagail broke their fast outside in the garden, indulging in fresh fruit, boiled eggs, bread, and preserves. Abagail was drinking tea, while Jade preferred strong yet sweet, creamy coffee.

Jade thought the garden was a perfect spot to fill Abagail in on the details of the previous night, and they took advantage of its privacy. It was indeed a glorious place, and they vowed to dine in the garden more often. Their conversation drifted to the upcoming ball, and talk of gowns, fashion, and accessories ensued. Neither of them noticed Miriam eavesdropping behind the vast pink Azalea bush.

"Well, isn't this quaint!" Miriam exclaimed, with her hands clasped in front of her, wearing a wide fake smile.

"Good Morning, Miriam. What brings you outside on this wonderful day?" Jade threw Mirian a sarcastic smile but felt her pulse beating in her throat.

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