Chapter 6: Wickedness & Greed

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This chapter is dedicated to CatherineNalley Thank you for reading my story!!!

Revised, Published Version

19th Century, Brooklyn, New York

Alexander groaned and shielded his eyes from the sun streaming in through the crack of his dark curtains. He rolled over, noticing the dark-haired beauty asleep beside him, and eased himself from the tangled sheets, careful not to wake her. She was a beautiful vixen but a provoking creature after indulging in too much opium and whisky.

He stumbled to the washbasin and tried not to look at himself in the mirror. After splashing his face and running water through his hair, Alexander still felt half sprung, and his head pounded like the devil. He knew he needed something besides coffee to start his day.

Downstairs in his study, he unlocked a drawer in his desk and sighed when he saw the large brown bottle of laudanum. With haste, he unscrewed the top and gulped down a hefty amount before wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. Alexander continued consuming the laudanum until he felt its desired effects and his aching head eased.

Half an hour later, he made his way to the dining room to break his fast. In the middle of his second cup of Turkish coffee, his maid entered and cleared her throat. Alexander glared at her and said, "Go on... You may speak."

"Mr. Winferd, there's a small child at the door for you. Shall I get rid of him?" She stood with a puzzled look on her face.

"No. I will see him at the door, but my coffee is getting cold. Replace it immediately!" Alexander barked before retreating.

"As you wish." The maid nodded and dashed away. Alexander knew she feared his wrath and had felt the brunt of his fury more than once. He realized he was an abusive and evil bastard, and the thought made him grin.

Alexander opened the door and looked down with raised brows at the boy. "The Spitfire has docked, and Cap'n has sent you this." The small boy held out the wrinkled note and kept his palm open while Alexander scanned the contents. He dug a few coins from his pocket and placed them in the urchin's grubby hand, and the lad scurried away.

Alexander's headache had lessened, but he was now antsy as he rubbed his temples and steadied himself before hailing a hackney cab. Once inside, his mood brightened, and he started planning for the next shipment of opium—the largest one so far. While he was small compared to most, it still enabled him to live somewhat in the fashion he desired.

Despite the competitive and volatile nature of the opium trade, he had the upper hand after putting in such hard work to get to this point. Alexander had used the Fulton ships for his smuggling. Using the vessels was necessary since all his attempts to court Miss Jade Fulton had failed. He wasted so much time and energy on her, only to be rejected, and it irked Alexander that the chit seemed to see right through him.

Alexander had approached Lawrence Fulton to express his intentions, but it proved to be a fruitless endeavor. Mr. Fulton had informed Alexander that he would not force his daughter's hand. Lawrence was a shrewd businessman, and Alexander respected him for that, yet he found the man weak for his only child and daughter.

After months of Jade's rejection, he realized he needed a new plan, and began smuggling using a clipper ship named 'Spitfire.' His fifty-fifty split with Captain Smith ensured the man's loyalty and silence. However, Alexander sensed Lawrence's suspicion increasing and realized he had to eliminate him.

Alexander's father, Harrison Winferd, was Lawrence's right-hand man and a loyal supporter of the Fulton family. Harrison was so faithful it turned Alexander's stomach. He had shadowed his father for years, learning everything there was to know about the shipping business and his plan was supposed to work, but Jade had not cooperated.

Jade's independent streak would be the second thing Alexander would take from her. The first was her father. It took Alexander several months to kill Lawrence Fulton, but he remained patient. Now that her father was out of the picture, Alexander thought he could swoop in and take advantage of Jade's sorrow and mourning. But he was wrong. If anything, Jade was more distant, stubborn, and aloof than before.

Once at his destination, Alexander paid the driver and strolled into his father's office to wait for Captain Smith. Once again, his mind drifted back to Jade. His nails dug into his palms, and he gritted his teeth. The chit was trying his patience, yet he reminded himself of the reward she would soon bring. Their move to England had blindsided Alexander, but he had worked too hard to give up now.

The door swung open and interrupted Alexander's contemplation, and Captain Smith stomped inside, carrying a chest. "Welcome back, Captain. It pleased me to receive your note, and I'm assuming the trip was a success?" Alexander asked with hopeful trepidation showing in his expression.

"Aye." Captain Smith grinned through yellowed teeth. "Now, how 'bout a hand with this chest and pourin' me a drink, lad?"

After helping to place the chest on the floor, Alexander served their drinks. "To our most productive trade thus far. Cheers!" Alexander smiled, and they clinked their glasses. "So, I see you brought us something?" He eyed the trunk at the captain's feet.

"Aye, 'tis top o' the line, boy, and should bring in a fine profit." Captain Smith unlocked the chest and removed the top layer of tea. Small opium balls, about the size of squash, filled the remaining space in the trunk.

Alexander examined the contents and then stood to face Captain Smith. "Very good. Very good, indeed." A wicked grin lifted his lips and found its way to his dark, piercing eyes. "I'll be leaving for London in a sennight, and I trust you know what to do while I'm away."

"Sure do, lad." He rocked back on his heels, grinning.

Alexander's tone turned unamusing and grim. "I will purchase a frigate in London, since it's time to replace some of our older clippers," he informed the captain.

Despite Alexander's trust in him regarding their opium smuggling, Captain Smith wouldn't condone his plans for Jade or his murdering Lawerence Fulton.

"No worries, 'ere, boy! You'll be back long before me, and I'll send ya a message from our last port." The men finished their business, shook hands, and left.

Now, to speak with my father, Alexander thought with dread.

It was challenging to persuade his father to let Alexander go to London instead of him, and it took a lot to convince the stubborn old man, but with the right amount of enthusiasm mixed with some false guilt, Harrison relented.

His father had penned a letter to Bella Fulton, explaining that Alexander would be in London to negotiate on the much-needed frigate because of Harrison's poor health. However, that message would never reach its destination. Alexander toyed with posting the letter but decided an element of surprise might benefit him. The mere thought of showing up and shocking Jade aroused him.

Back home in his bedroom, Alexander lay alone on the enormous bed, his only friend, the opium pipe. He told himself he must always sample the product first. Not a fan of opium dens, Alexander liked his privacy. His last mistress had been curious and asked far too many questions, so he tried to sever ties with her, but the wench attempted to blackmail him. She was now somewhere at the bottom of the East River. He hoped he wouldn't have the same problem with his current paramour.

As the drug overtook him, spreading a euphoric warmth throughout his body, Alexander smiled and closed his eyes. I am coming for you, Jade, and everything you have will soon be mine.


Don't forget to vote and comment! !! Alexander is horrible! 😯😯😯😯

September 2023 revised published version

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