Chapter 14: The Games Women Play

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Dedicated to Yas2107 & YouDoNotKnowWho. Thanks for reading!!!

Revised, Published Version

Matilda turned at the sound of musical laughter, feeling shocked and disheartened, seeing Jade flirting with Lord Richard Freeman, the Marquess of Winchester. She had risked her family's wrath for her niece and narrowed her eyes, watching how charming and ladylike she appeared. While irritated, she couldn't help the pride swelling inside her. While Jade was indeed showing Lord Freeman her favor, she was pulling it off with grace. Matilda grinned, observing how uncomfortable Lord Freeman appeared at the unwanted attention given to him by an animated Jade. Meanwhile, poor Abagail stood silent—like a statue—in awe of the man.

The duchess headed for the dining room, thinking she made a grave mistake. I have just enough time to change the place settings back. I'll put Miriam back beside William, and that will be that. The apparent contempt and menacing glare on Lord Anson's face pulled from her reverie. Matilda stopped in her tracks and turned, studying the earl. She was quick to realize Jade's behavior toward Lord Freeman was causing William's palpable outrage.

I believe I was correct in my assumptions, but I would love to see how this plays out. Jade, the little minx, is trying to get a rise out of Lord Anson by flirting with his closest friend. How very interesting. Gratified, Matilda acknowledged it was time to announce dinner, and her anxiety had waned. She was now far too curious and entertained by the current events to be concerned about the changed seating arrangements.

However, she would take full responsibility because she knew her servants would be to blame. Matilda had heard whispers of her daughter's cruelty toward the staff and had witnessed it on more than one occasion. She would not allow Miriam to belittle or abuse anyone in her household ever again and felt relieved after assigning Suzanna as Jade's lady's maid. Both girls seemed thrilled.

Matilda's suspicion of her daughter's physical abuse of Suzanna brought back memories of her last quarrel with Miriam. The thought sickened her, and she would not allow it in her home. She would deal with her husband's wrath, but she didn't give a whit what Miriam thought. Not anymore. Matilda wished to find Miriam a husband, but didn't want to burden someone else with her problems. Whoever married the wicked girl earned her pity, but she felt even worse for their unsuspecting staff.

Matilda watched Richard escort Jade and Abagail into the dining room, while William escorted Miriam. The earl walked stoically, with a beaming Miriam on his arm, who seemed oblivious to his stony expression. Matilda held her breath as William pulled out a chair beside Miriam's father and waited for her to sit.

The perplexed expression on her face turned to seething rage, and Matilda feared Miriam was about to embarrass herself by throwing a conniption. Instead, she smiled at Lord Anson and gave a small curtsy before taking her seat.

Matilda exhaled, sagging in relief, but made the mistake of peering at her husband. His forehead lifted as he regarded her, and she feigned innocence by giving him a seductive smile.

I will have a lot of explaining to do tonight. What shall I say? I hope the new ornate, alluring nightgown I purchased will be enough to take George's mind off my misdeeds. The mere thought of the racy French garment made her spine tingle with excitement. Matilda's duke still gave her butterflies, and one smoldering look from him caused heat to rush through her veins. She would have to use her womanly wiles to sway her husband tonight.

Matilda had a clear view of Jade, whom she'd seated beside Lord William Anson, while Abagail was across from the disgruntled couple and beside Lord Richard Freeman. She expected a tantalizing meal, yet couldn't neglect her other guests. Although challenging, Matilda tried in vain to act interested in fashion and politics, since the Season always coincided with the sessions of Parliament.

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