Chapter 4: The Rogue

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This chapter is dedicated to MagBlueRoses. Thank you for all the support!!!

Revised, Published Version

Jade was relieved to see her mother waiting at the bottom of the grand staircase. She acknowledged how young and vibrant Bella looked in an elegant gown of red silk with silver etching gracing the top and bottom of the dress. The diamonds she wore highlighted the silver of the gown to perfection. Her mother was the picture of grace, and Jade couldn't be more proud of her.

Bella turned as she heard Jade's footsteps on the stairs. "Jade, you look breathtaking, and you will be the talk of the ton by tomorrow. Come along. We do not want to keep everyone waiting."

Jade drew a long breath and followed her mother toward the large Peach Saloon. Her nerves were aflutter, and all she could think about was getting through this night and returning to her bedchamber. Upon entering, she was shocked by the number of people. She winced and tried to steel herself. "Aunt said this would be a small dinner party, Mother." Jade squared her shoulders, head held high, as they moved across the threshold into the saloon.

The room fell silent, and Jade sensed all eyes on them as they entered. Panic swelled in her bosom, but she remained calm. After so many introductions, Jade felt lost in a dream and could only remember the title and name of one person: The Earl of Lichfield—the man was handsome as sin—and everyone else was just a face in the crowd.

Bella had left Jade to her own devices and was deep in conversation with a tall and distinguished man. Seeing her mother laughing and standing so close to this man caused physical pain in her chest. Although it had been eighteen months since her father had passed away, the wound still felt raw, and she wondered if she would ever get used to seeing her mother with another man.

William, the Earl of Lichfield, stepped up close behind Jade. "Such a beautiful woman should never be left standing alone."

Jade jumped at the sound, hand splayed over her heart. "Pardon me, my lord, you startled me!"

"My apologies, Miss Fulton. I came to offer an escort to dinner. You looked deep in thought and all alone." His rakish grin and presumptuous manner did nothing to take away from his sheer beauty.

"I have no problem being alone, my lord!" The moment the words escaped, she felt instant regret, yet something about him unsettled her, leaving Jade exposed and apprehensive. The earl's nearness was causing her to lose composure. "Forgive my outburst." She curtsied, remembering her manners. "I didn't mean to sound so harsh." She smiled, praying it looked sincere. "I am still weary from the long journey and am often disagreeable when I am peckish. It would honor me to accept your lovely offer."

Anyone this handsome and arrogant has to be trouble, Jade warned herself.

"'Tis perfectly fine. Forgiveness is unnecessary, and it would be my pleasure to escort you. I specialize in disagreeable ladies, especially when they are as enticing as you..." He wagged his brows.

Insufferable man!

Although shocked, Jade was quick to recover. "So, you find me enticing?" She tilted her head with narrowed eyes. "I'm assuming you say this to flatter, and I daresay I am not the first to entice you, my lord."

A crooked, sensuous grin lifted from the corner of the earl's full lips. "The lady is also bold. A quality I adore in the fairer sex."

"You, my lord, are a rogue and far too assuming!" Jade leveled him with her best cut-down stare. Lord, what is wrong with me tonight? He is a rake, yet I am drawn to him. I feel as if I might faint. And what a spectacle that would make!

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