Chapter 19: Inferno

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This chapter is dedicated to Akina17 & Rin_Armstrong. Thank you for the lovely support!!!

First Draft

Lord Darnley noticed the smoke rising from the theatre, moments before he heard the commotion of people fleeing The King's Theatre. A million thoughts ran through his mind: Bella being the first. However, before he could act, he heard Abagail's cry of alarm.

"My lord, the theatre is on fire!"

Abagail's frightening announcement gained Jade's attention as she spun around, taking in the scene before her eyes. Panic had spread throughout the theatre as people were relentlessly trying to escape the rapidly burning building.

"My mother, my family...William!" Jade screamed as she rushed for the door.

"Oh my God, Suzanna!" Jade cried as guilt grabbed her very soul. 'Tis my fault she is here, and mine alone. I must find her and bring her to safety; Jade thought as large hands gripped her shoulders and forcefully spun her around.

"Go back with Abagail, at once! I will find the others, and you must be exactly in that spot when I return!" Lord Darnley spoke with instant authority as he shook Jade's shoulders to enunciate the urgency of each word. Letting his hands drop, he spared her one backward glance, as he rushed towards the burning building.

Not having time to describe Suzanna to Lord Darnley, or the dangerous predicament she now found herself in; Jade knew she must disregard his direct warning. Lord Darnley would not recognize Suzanna! With her mind made up, she would locate Suzanna or die trying. Taking one final look over her shoulder, she gave Abagail a sad, apologetic smile; as she proceeded to run through the mass of frantic people trampling over one another fighting for the safety, they all desired.

"No!" Abagail screamed in panic, as she sprinted forth towards Jade, pushing herself through the manic crowd.

Reaching her just in time, Abagail grabbed Jade around the waist, with both arms, tugging her backward with strength, she didn't know she possessed. Falling to the ground, Abagail cried out in pain, as Jade landed atop of her.

Trying to gain her footing, Jade was knocked back down several times, by the stampede of bodies, in their intense rush towards survival. Abagail was finally able to free herself, and grabbed a semi-conscious Jade, by the arm, tugging her out of harm's way.

"Have you gone mad?" Abagail admonished in a tone so sharp; it seemed to bring a semblance of clarity to Jade's disoriented senses.

"Suzanna is in there, probably burning alive as we speak, and 'tis all my fault!" Jade collapsed into Abagail's arms and wept while muttering incoherently through the torrent tears her tears.

"Mother...William....everyone I love, save for you!"

"I know. I do!" Abagail cried as tears also streamed down her face. She cupped Jade's face in her hands before embracing her. As they both gave way to their emotions: fear, pain, and agony brought forth sobs that wracked both of their injured bodies.

"Jade, I had to stop you, and I pray you will not feel resentment towards me. I couldn't allow such foolishness! Regardless, more than anything, I could not lose you! You forget that everyone I love is in that theatre as well, save you! What would become of me? Pray, forgive me, my selfishness! Without you, I would be utterly alone, and I could not stand by and watch you run to your death! We must pray the men will be successful and bring our loved ones out before 'tis too late!" Abagail courageously spoke her truth while still clinging to a shaken and dazed Jade.

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