Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)

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A/N: If You Haven't Read "Not Even" This Will NOT Make Any Sense So Read Not Even First Thanks :) ~HaleyxXx

Niall's P.O.V

   I let out a sudden gasp for air. I shot up from my bed and look to my side to see Louis sleeping like a angel.

   "It was a dream." I whispered to myself with a sigh of relief.

   "What was a dream?" Louis asked. I don't know how but I had awoken him.

   "Oh I dreamed that at the interview you told everyone you weren't gay." I said trembling a little at the almost perfectly real dream I had had.

   "The interviews tonight silly." Louis said smiling cheerily.  I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I hugged Louis and tried to sleep but then my stomach being itself let out a huge growl.

   "You want to go to Nando's?" Louis asked me while giggling at my starving stomach.

   "I love you." I said smiling.

   "I love you too." He said and with that we were on our way downstairs but as I walked down stairs I see that our living room is Nando's. What was happening? I must have had a confused look on my face.

   "What's wrong?" Louis asked me eyebrow raised.

   "When did this happen?" I asked him. I knew it wasn't here before. I would know if we had heaven in our living room.

   "It's been here since we became actors. Remember?" Louis asked still smiling.

   "Actors!?!? Were musicians." I said barely breathing. What was happening? I was still shocked.

   "Since the dream begun. Silly Willy." Louis said. Dream? This is the actually a dream. So everything that had happened the day of the interview did happen.

   "Yes this is a dream." Louis said smiling still. "How did you know that was what I was thinkin-"

   "In your dreams I can hear everything you think. And yes I think I look pretty hot to."Louis said while winking. I blushed.

   So Louis really didn't love me in real life. This was the dream. Well if this is a dream I'm going to make it last. I pulled Louis into a kiss and after that I was in heaven. We kissed and talked and ate and talked and kissed and Ate even more. But as I was having fun everything began to fade. I began to myself.

   "NO. Don't Leave Dream Louis. PLEASE." I Yelled but it was to late. He was gone and I was in pure black darkness.

   I could hear voices around me talking. It was Liam. I could recognize his voice from a mile away.

   "Niall's going to be ok. Niall's going to be ok. Niall's going to be ok." Liam kept repeating. It was clear that he was alone and talking to himself.

   I heard the door open yet again.

   "Mr.Payne?" I heard a squeaky girly voice say.

   "Yes. What is it. Is he going to be ok?" I heard Liam say urgently.

   "Well he can come out of the coma anytime. So I don't know when. But when stabbed that day the knife was a inch away from his lung." The nurse said.

   I heard a sniffle. Awww Liam's crying for me. True friend. Wish Louis was like that...

   "Well he should be up soon so if you see him awake alert me please." The lady asked.

   I heard no answer but she was out of the room. I tried my hardest to move but I couldn't I was stuck in my position. Liam was still sitting there sobbing and saying "Niall please be ok." Over and over. I took a short break and after the break I took a deep breath and used all my strength but all I could do was wiggle my finger. But that seemed to have caught Liam's attention.

   "Niall? Are you up? Speak to me." I heard the door swoop open. I slowly fluttered my eyes open. I looked around to see no sign of Liam but as I regain my strength Liam ran in with the nurse.

   "NIALL YOUR AWAKE!" Liam said running up and hugging me. As soon as his arm made contact with my stomach I let out a yelp of pain.

   "Mr.Payne. His lung!" The nurse said.

   "Sorry lad. Forgot." He said embarrassed. I looked over at the nurse. She was pretty. I mean really pretty. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

   "Hey Liam. Vas Happenin?" I asked my voice scratchy from not being used in a long time.

   "Niall. The boys are going to be so happy. I mean we thought you were a goner." Liam said looking very sincere.

   "I'm never leaving without a fight." I said with my raspy voice.

   "Hi. Nurse In Training Ali Mcurthy." The nurse said holding out her hand to shake mine.

   "Hi Ali. So your a nurse?" I asked her smiling.

   "Nurse in training." She said smiling.

   "Cool. When my voice going to clear?" I asked. Without my voice I'm nothing.Atleast I think.

   "It should after a little talking." She said smiling.

   "Great more reasons to talk to you." I smiled while winking causing her to giggle.

   I was just stabbed in the heart by Louis and Almost in the lung by a mugger. I deserve a little flirting fun.

   I looked over to see Liam glaring. What was up with him?

   "I must go see other patients but I talk to you later." She said walking towards the door.

   "I hope so." I said and with that she was out.

   "Dude what was that?" Liam asked angry.


   "You were flirting with a girl you just met."

   "I got my heart broken by my best friend then got stabbed let me have fun."

   "You know what? Whatever. The boys are on their way."

   I gave Liam a weak smile.

   "So lets catch up." Liam said sitting next to me.

   After what felt like forever with the talkative Liam the boys rushed in and that's where the drama began...


Heyy Guys Vas Happenin? Second Book. YEAH BUDDAY. :) This One Will Be Ten Times Better. I Hope :/ But I Hope You Enjoy. Comment, Fan And Vote. ~HaleyxXx

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now