A Hint Of Jealousy

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Niall's P.O.V

   "Hey Stan." I said walking downstairs to get some food. It was late and everyone was asleep. I of course being me needed a snack. Stan just so happened to be sleeping on the couch. Well he was wide awake but...yeah.

   "Oh...Ah... Hey Niall." Stan said squeakily . He sounded nervous. Curiosity came over me and I began to walk towards him.

   "Ah...Niall You don't need to come over here. Really." Stan said frantically. I ignored him and just kept moving closer. I looked over the couch to see Louis snuggled into Stan,

   "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!!!" I yelled seeing Louis in such a "comfy" position with someone else.

   "Niall it's not what it looks like..."

   "Sure I don't see my boyfriend snuggling with another man." I said sadness clear.

   "Niall... Ok it is what it seems but..." I cut him off and began to stomp my way upstairs. Something told me to scream so I did.

   "HOW COULD YOU LOUIS. AFTER ALL THAT!" I screamed and slammed the door. I rocked back and forth and back and forth in a little ball repeating to myself. "How could he. How could he. How could he." But as I did a sudden loud boom came from beside me and I shot up from my position.

   "Niall what's wrong! You were screaming in your sleep," Louis said running to my side concerned. As he sat next to me I collapsed in his arms. Thank god it was another horrible dream. Louis slowly stroked my hair as I calmed down.

   "Niall how could who do what?" He asked. I gave him a confused look until I realized what he meant.

   "Oh...Uh...Nothing." I said. He had heard what I said while dreaming. But how much did he hear?

   "Then why did you scream how could you Louis?" Louis said eyebrow raised. I must have turned beet red at that moment.

   "W-W-Well. It's just you and...Stan are so..so-"


   "Yeah you could say that." I said awkwardly looking away from him.

   "Then what's the problem?" Louis said.

   "Well... I'm just scared you're so connected to him that you'll-"

   "Leave you for him!" Louis said finishing my sentence. I nodded looking down to the ground.

   "Niall What makes you think that?"

   "You and Stan are so close and your both bi and you came out to him so easily." I said.

   "Niall. He's my BEST friend. Plus I knew he wouldn't judge me. He freaking bi to! He's got Xavier. I got You. And both of us are happy." I just looked down still. I was acting like a jealous retard.

   "I'm an idiot." I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear it. I just needed to say it.

   "Yeah... But your my idiot." He said while pulling me into a long sweet kiss. His tongue asked for entrance and I granted it. After awhile I pulled away breathlessly.

   "Is it ok if I sleep with you tonight?" Louis asked.

   I eagerly nodded causing him to giggle. He laid beside me and put his arm around my waist and we quickly began to doze off but before I could Louis had one last thought.

   "Hey Niall?"


   "Don't You think Xavier looks like.." I knew what he was about to say so I said it at the same time he did.

   "Zayn!" We both said at the same time. He just smiled and fell asleep. And I slowly did to...

   In the morning we were awakened by a frantic Harry.

   "Niall! Wake up Louis is missin-" He stopped in mid sentence noticing the still sleeping angel beside me. "Oh. Never mind then." Harry said as he turned on his heels to walk away. I just slowly began to fall asleep but as I did Louis's eyes opened and a smile grew on his face.

   "Morning cutie." He said as he got up and rubbed his eyes.

   "Right back at ya." I said winking as I lay there in the bed alone now.

   "I'm going to take a shower k?"

   "K." I said simply as I slowly got up minute by minute. After what felt like forever I put on some random clothes and my favorite high tops and walked downstairs.

   Stan had left but was coming back in a few days. Minutes went by until Louis was finally downstairs.

   "Hey Niall? You know those twitcam things?" He said as he plopped down next to me.

   "Yeah. Like skype but on twitter right?"

   "Yeah. You wanna do one tonight. Just you and me?"

   "Of course I would." But before I could snuggle into Louis he had gotten up and was phoning someone on his phone....


Heyy Guys. So Here's What I Promised. Sorry About All The Dreaming But You Know It Fits The Plot. Anyway I Think I'm Going To Start Calling You Guys My... Cookies! Why? Well Because I'm Random Like That. Update Soon. Comment, Fan And Vote My Cookies :) ~HaleyxXx

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now