Alone Together.

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Niall's P.O.V

   "Hey. Yeah it's me Louis. I have a question. You know what happened yesterday? Yeah can I? Please. I'll do anything. I already planned it. I know but I could do it with secrecy. They won't know. Promise. Wait can I? Really! OH MY GOD THANK YOU. Of course I can! Thanks. Bye." Said Louis getting off the phone.

   "Who was that?" I asked him sitting on the couch channel surfing.

   "No one. Anyway I'll tweet out that the twitcam will be tonight." I just nodded. I really wanted to know who he was talking on the phone with. My curiosity was driving me crazy. But Louis just sat next to me and smiled.

   I snuggled into his shoulder as we watch some weird movie that I have no interest in. I looked up into Louis's amazing eyes. They were so gorgeous. He was gorgeous. But what was he hiding? I couldn't take it.

   "Who were you talking to on the phone?" I asked trying to sound calm but in all truth I was nothing close to it.

   "Someone." He said smiling cheeky at me while laying a kiss on my cheek. Shivers went through me as his warm lips kissed my frozen cheek.

   "Niall your so cold!" He said walking towards the window. He closed it and strided back over to me seemingly in a hurry. I heard a car pull into the drive way which meant Harry was probably home. Louis snook closer to me and began to turn my head towards his.

   I had to sadly pull away from him knowing Harry would be in any second. Louis gave me this sad look. He must have thought I didn't want to kiss him. Oh I did but I know Louis doesn't like people walking in on us kissing. I had to show him I wanted to. I put my hand on his and began to speak.

   "Louis. Harry's outside and ready to come in any second." I said. Louis smirked and began to get closer and he whispered in my ear. "I know." and with that he pulled me into a warm passionate kiss as Harry walked right in. I had this tingly feeling I have never had with any other kiss.

   "Oh. Ah. Hey. Sorry I keep walking in on you guys." Harry said awkwardly.

   I gave Louis a nervous look. Last time they walked in Louis ran away.

   "It's all okay." Louis said as he pulled me into his arms. I couldn't help but smile at the how Louis was finally beginning to be a "little" more public about us. Harry let out a warming smile as he walked his way upstairs. I buried my head in Louis's shoulder and began to fall asleep...

Louis's P.O.V

   Niall was super curious. I could tell. It was super cute that he was like that but he will see. I laid a kiss on his cheek to realize he was freezing cold.

   "Niall your so cold!" I said getting up to close the wide open window but as I looked out I saw Harry. I quickly walked back over to Niall. I heard Harry pull into our drive way. I knew Niall heard him to. I leaned closer against Niall. I grabbed Niall's head and turned it towards mine and began to move in for the kiss. But Niall looked away. I gave him a fake hurt look. He just put his hand on mine and began to speak.

   "Louis. Harry's outside and ready to come in every second." Niall said.

   I just gave a smirk and came closer to him. I whispered in his ear. "I know." and went in to kiss him.

   I heard the door open and as I pulled away I looked at the blushing Niall and up at the blushing Harry.

   "Oh. Ah. Sorry I keep walking in on you guys." Harry said not looking at either of us. Niall looked at me worried but I just plastered on a smile. I pulled Niall in my arms proudly. "It's all okay." I said. Harry gave a encouraging smile and walked his way up the stairs.

   Niall buried his cute little head into my shoulder and fell asleep. After awhile I slowly began to get up. I decided to let Niall sleep. He needed his beauty sleep. Well he didn't Need it but I just loved seeing his adorable face asleep.

   I walked into the kitchen and started to make a sandwich. I had made the perfect sandwich. But as I was about to take the first bite I felt two arms wrap around me.

   "Think you could get away with eating a sandwich with out me." Niall said as he grabbed half of my sandwich.

   "Niall wait. Be careful there's Car-"

   "OW. What the hells in this? rocks?"

   "Carrots." I smiled cheekily.

   "That's what you get for eating my sandwich." I said giggling.

   "You owe me." He said a little annoyed.

   "Okay. How's this?" And with that I pulled him into YET another kiss. He just smiled as we walked up to my room but he stopped me half way up the stairs.

   "Why'd ya stop Niall?" I asked munching on my sandwich.

   "I'm still hungry..." He said. I laughed at his cuteness and walked back down to the kitchen to make him a sandwich...


Heyy My Cookies :) So Here Is A Chapter FILLED With Lovey Doveyness Just Because Everythings Been So... Dramatic. Either Way I'd Like To Say Thank You. Why? Well... I HAVE OVER 50 FREAKING FANS! I Love ALL Of My Cookies. Thanks For The Support. Plus Wish Me Luck Tomorrow. E.L.A Final Exam -.- Anyway Update In The Next Two Days. :) Comment, Fan And Vote. ~HaleyxXx

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now