Stronger Then Ever

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Niall's P.O.V

   Louis walked in. It was one of those dramatic slow motion moments. I remembered what I promised myself while laying on the ground. If I survive I'll forget about him. Well I survived.

   "Nialler!" Louis said running up to hug me but was pulled back by Liam.

   "His lung you idiot!" Liam said making sure he didn't touch the soar area on my stomach.

   "Oh right. Sorry. I'm an idiot." He said guilt clearly on his face. Probably because he made me like this. He could have just come out.  But he didn't even say he was taken like he said he would. It was up to him. And he chose our destiny. So it's too late. I tried to ignore Louis my best.

   "Niall!" I heard Harry yelled from the door followed by Zayn. Both had to be pulled back so they wouldn't hug me or my injured stomach.

   "Hey guys." I said now smiling. "How are you?" Zayn said smiling.

   "Stronger then ever." I said smiling.

   "Niall we thought you were dead." Harry said worry in his voice.

   "I'm not leaving that easy. Not without a fight." I said. My voice was clearing surprisingly fast. So I went back into talking as much as I usually do.

   "So what was it like?" Zayn asked eyebrow raised.

   "What was what like?"

   "Being...Dead." Zayn said hesitantly.

   I wasn't dead. I was still fully awake the whole time. I just couldn't move. You know a coma." I said smiling at Zayn.

   "Why would you do that." Louis said with concern.

   "Do what?" I said saying the first words to Louis since my awakening.

   "Try to kill yourself because of me." He said looking down at his feet like they were they most amazing thing in the world.

   "Tried to kill myself!? That's what you think happened!" I said furious with rage.

   Why would I kill myself? Especially for Louis.

   "Didn't you?" Louis said forgetting the other boys were their.

   "No! I was mugged by a mugger who stabbed me because I tried to get away. Why the hell would I kill myself because of Louis. That would be idiotic!" I said no longer being the happy leprechaun they're used to.

   "That's what really happened?" Zayn asked confused.

   "Yeah. Why would I kill myself for Louis. I deserve a better way to die." I said. I knew my words were painful but Louis's not hurting me ever again.

   "Niall how could you say that?" Liam said with this shocked look. Liam was clearly the only one who cared I was here. I mean I woke up to him. And he seems very tired. He had bags and dark circles and everything in between. He was clearly by my side the whole time. Compared to the others.

   "Cause it's the truth. I would never waste my life on Louis. Not anymore." I said heartless causing Louis to tear up at instance. Harry patted Louis on the back and shot me a glare but I shrugged it off.

   "Lets get some food. Niall must be starving." Zayn said trying to find excuses to leave. I smiled and nodded.

   Harry went out with Zayn taking Louis along with his arm around him. They were out the door leaving me alone with Liam yet again. I look at Liam to see a disapproving face.

   "What?" I asked defensive. "How could you say that to Louis!"

   "Louis broke my heart. I have the right." I said angrily.

   "He's clearly hurt by what you said."

   "Yeah well I'm hurt in many ways by him."

   "You know he loves you right." Liam said with a weird tone.

   "He loves me as much as you love spoons."

   "He really wants you back. He didn't mean to hurt you he's just scared."

   "Ha. He's scared. I was attacked by a complete stranger! Plus Louis doesn't look like he really actually cares."

   "What makes you say that?"

   "He's the reason I'm here. And he hasn't even said sorry!"

   "Niall the man who stabbed you is to blame."

   "No he isn't. If Louis said what I wanted him to I wouldn't have ran and gotten mugged and stabbed. And I would be in his arms right now not in a hospital. And if he cared he would be the one I woke up to. I know you care at least." I said. which seemed to set Liam off.

   "Me and the boys have been taking turns to see when you wake. Harry and Zayn watched you for half a day. I stayed  for 1 day and  then Louis stayed for 2. We all wanted you to wake up to me or Louis. Louis wanted to be here but it was bad timing. Niall you've gotta know Louis wants you more then ever. If you don't see that your only hurting yourself!" Liam said bursting with angry.

   "Yeah right Liam!" I said. With that Liam got up and left the room. Liam leaves the room whenever over angry. I sat there. Not caring of what Liam said. I made that promise to myself and I'm going to keep it. No matter what.

   Louis will regret the day he broke Niall James Horan's heart.

Louis's P.O.V

   How could Niall say that to me. Well in front of me. He didn't actually talk straight to me. He hated me now. He made that more then clear. But i didn't think he'd really run off during the interview. And I didn't think he'd get stabbed. But what I do think is that I love him.

   Before it was because I wanted to know someone loved me. But when he got hurt I really cared. And that was only two days of being with him. I wanted longer time and more chances to show him I love him. But I don't know if he'll let me love him now. Has he lost all the love for me he had? I have a feeling it's to late. The worst part is... He's the only one I want...


Heyy Guys. So Imma Try To Interact With You Guys More. You'll See ;). Oh And Sorry If I Don't Upload That Much. I'm Stuck In School Still. Finals. Yep 20 More Days! Sucks But What Do I Do :) So Comment, Fan Or Vote ~HaleyxXx

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