Unexpected Visitor

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Niall's P.O.V

   "Stan!" Louis screamed running up to the smiling man on our couch.

   "Louis." Stan screamed back.

   Stan was Louis's best friend back in Doncaster. When Stan was here he really didn't care about anyone but Louis.

   "Where did you come from?" Louis said sitting next to his best friend.

   "Well it started one night with my parents..."

   "Nevermind." Louis said laughing basically hugging Stan. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. But after all that I just really want Louis happy. I just wish tonight was more about...us.

   "Oh hey guys." Stan said finally noticing us. We just did our awkward waves. Whenever one of our friends from home is around it's always awkward for the others.

   "So... Niall heard your gay." Stan said just out of the blue.

   "Uh.. Yeah. News spreads fast." I said awkwardly sitting next to Louis. I tried to cuddling into him to show him he's mine but Louis just moved closer to Stan making me feel more jealous.

   "Your a brave dude. I mean it took me months to come out when I found out I was bi."  Stan said.

   "Your bi? I didn't know that." Louis said quietly. Stan just nodded.

   "Are you ok with that?" Stan asked cautiously. Louis plastered a huge smile on his face.

   "Of course. You know what. I'm bi to!" Louis said. This made me super jealous. Louis all of a sudden was ok with coming out. Well I had to hold in my jealous for the sake of us.

   "That is amazing!" Stan said smiling. "One day you should meet my boyfriend Xavier." Stan said pulling out his phone and showing us a  picture of the tall tan boy that reminded me of Zayn... Awkward.

   "Are you in a relationship Louis?" Stan asked. I gave Louis a hopeful look but he didn't look.

   "Nope." That's all he said. Come on really! After all that. I slowly got up and walked to my room. Louis didn't yell after me or anything. I just sat in my room and began strumming my guitar. I didn't cry. Crying gets you no where.

   It felt like forever until I heard someone creep their way up the stairs. Then my door slowly opened and in popped Louis head.

   "Hey Nialler. Can I come in?" Louis said. I slowly nodded.

   "Why did you leave the party?"

   "Party?" I said.

   "Ok maybe not a Party. But why'd you ditch?"

   "Cause you were to busy focusing on Stan and being single." I said bitterly.

   "Niall I only said I'm single because we're not officially together."

   "What does that mean." I said offended.

   "You never asked me out!" I looked away from Louis. I felt like such an idiot.

   "But Louis you wouldn't tell Stan any way." I said.

   He let a look of sadness out but a sudden thought must have came to his head.

   "Niall Horan. Will you be my boyfriend." Louis said standing up and holding out his hand. I couldn't help but smile.

   "Of course I would." I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up. He gave me a quick kiss but it was enough to send shivers all the way through me.

   He then pulled me quickly downstairs. As I reach the living room I see the boys and Stan were still sitting. They were all crowded on the couch watching T.V. I sat beside Liam waiting for Louis to sit next to me.  But instead Louis rudely stepped in front of the T.V and cleared his voice causing the boys to groan and tell Louis to move.

   "SHUSH I Have an announcement." Louis said. He just stood their.

   "Just tell us!" An impatient Zayn said.

   "I Louis Tomlinson am dating Niall Horan." Louis said. I smiled. He came out. Not to the world but to people. And that's what matters.

   The boys gave each other happy glances as Stan sits shocked.

   "Louis..." Stan said stopping mid sentence. "That's Amazing!" Stan said. Louis just sat down next to me.

   "Thanks Stan." Louis said putting his arm around me.

   "When will you be coming out to the world?" Louis face turned pale.

   "I don't know." Louis said awkwardly. But I interrupted Stan before he could say anything.

   "I don't care if you do. As long as I have you." I said giving Louis a sweet kiss causing Stan to weap out a awww. We all went back to watching a movie. I snuggled into Louis's arm the whole time. And it was right.


Heyy Guys. I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPLOAD. You hate me now :( But I promise I Will Upload More. It's Just Final Exams And My Birthday Was Yesterday...But Yeah. I Hope You Guys Like. I'll Upload Tommorrow. Promise. I Would Upload More But I Should Be In Bed Right Now. That's Right Imma Badass ;) Anyway Comment, Fan And Vote. ~HaleyxXx

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now