Expect The Unexpected

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Niall's P.O.V

   It was morning. I had a rough sleep thinking of a sad Louis.

   I had gotten ready and made sure I looked nice. We were going public today. Well not public I mean they already know we're together but I mean like paparazzi is probably getting lots of pictures of us today. Holding hands, Hugging and sneaking kisses.The thought caused me to smile.

   Today I would prove Louis wrong. I mean I don't get any hate and I'm completely gay. He's only bi. No one can hurt us. That is all I got to prove to Louis.

   I walked into Louis's room holding two pieces of toast. Louis was sleeping but slowly turned over and looked at me.

   "Morning Nialler." Louis said sleepily. His sleepy voice drives me crazy. I just smiled eating my toast.

   "Did you bring some toast for me?" Louis said noticing the toast in my hand.

   "My toast." I said cutesy. Louis gave me a puppy dog look I couldn't resist.

   "Fine. But remember It's cause I love you." I said giving Louis the other piece I had. He snatched it out of my hand and began to eat it. I guess he was hungry. I just smiled.

   "Get ready Louis we got to go out for Lunch." It was past Lunch. It was about 3:00 but I still called it lunch.

   "Niall. I don't want to." He said.

   "No Louis. I'm going to prove to you haters can hate but they can't hurt us." I said looking into his eyes.

   "Are you sure?" Louis said looking very worried.

   "I'm sure. Now get ready. I'm still starving." I said kissing him on the forehead as I left him to get ready. I waited in my room for a long long time. It was about 4:15 when Louis was finally ready.

   "Gee Louis what were you doing?" I asked.

   "My hair." Louis said casually. I giggled as we went downstairs.

   "Where's Paul?" Louis asked.

   "We don't need Paul. We'll be okay."

   "Well are the boys coming with us?"

   "They already left and are probably done eating by now."

   "What why?!?" Louis said. Louis was really nervous so I tried not to sound to excited.

   "Well they got sick of waiting for you to finish your hair." I said as I opened the door for him.

   "Oh. Well I guess I'll drive."

   "No. Your a turtle when you drive. I called us our chauffeur." I said as the vehicle pulled up almost on cue.

   I sat there in the vehicle next to Louis trying to calm him. He was shaking more then a chihuahua. We had finally reached the restaurant at least 10 minutes later.

   We got out holding hands as we saw that paparazzi was already taking pictures of the other boys. Louis shook even more as we got closer I just smiled the whole time as we held hands and walked in.

    We ordered as the impatient Harry sat there angry that we were so late but after awhile his anger shook off and so did Louis nervousness.

   This man across the restaurant kept glaring at us but other then that everything was normal. We ate we laughed and Louis slowly went back to his unguarded crazy self. We snook kisses and warming glances and every time we did the cameras went crazy. Flashes that blinded me and clicks filling the room.

   The other boys smiled and laughed along with us. Louis was turning back into the old Louis. The only difference is he is mine now. And everyone can know. I smiled as Harry was saying something about... something. I wasn't paying attention on anything other then me and Louis's future.

   By the end of the meal when we were all done and about to leave Louis was back to his old self and even a little more louder. But as we were about to leave a man came up to us.

   "Excuse me are you Louis Tomlinson?" He said anger in his voice.

   "Yeah Wh-" Louis was cut off by the man punching Louis straight in the face causing him to fall to the ground.

   "That's for ruining my daughters dreams you fag." The man said as he stood there fist clenched. Nobody helped Louis. I crouched down to Louis side as I tried to see if he was conscious.

   Harry was trying to hit the man back but was being held back by Liam. Zayn had started using a paparazzi's phone to phone either the hospital or the cops or both.

   For some reason the man who had punched Louis was still standing there. Smiling at the unconscious Louis. I glared at the man as a siren called around the corner.

   Police were first to show up. As the man got into the police car he yelled out.

   "I Regret nothing!" He said as he was pushed into the car. They drove off as we awkwardly waited for an ambulance.

   I began to whisper to the unconscious Louis. "I'm an idiot." I said to Louis. I didn't expect this to happen. It was all good. Until this man came in. I should have brought Paul with us.

   The ambulance pulled around the corner taking Louis in a stretcher. The man in the ambulance began to speak. "Only one of you can come with us. The others will need a ride there." The 3 other boys let me in as we drove off. I felt terrible. I just didn't think this was going to happen...


Heyy My Cookies :) So Sorry I Didn't Update But I Had A Sleepover. I Don't Have Much To Say So... Yeah. Thanks For Reading. Comment Fan And Vote :) ~HaleyxXx

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now