I'm An Idiot For Him

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Niall's P.O.V

   A week had passed since I had seen my phone. I had no clue where it was and if Ali still even had it. Harry told me Ali would stop by today to give us our phones back. Me and Louis's party seems to have been forgotten I mean it doesn't matter but I'm in the need for a good party.

   I had been sleeping and being a lazy person the entire day. It wasn't my choice. Zayn wouldn't let me passed the stairs. But then I heard the doorbell ring and I knew it was Ali. I didn't care if Zayn tackled me I wanted my phone back.

   I slowly stalked out of the room and went near the stairs and as I was about to bolt down Liam and Zayn both popped up in the staircase. I let out a scared yelp causing Louis to rush out of his room.

   "Niall you okay?" Louis said with a worried expression on his face.

   "Yeah It's just I was about to go get my phone and they scared the living crap out of me." I said pointing over at the smiling Liam and Zayn.

   "Yeah where are our phones." Louis asked.

   "Go downstairs. Ali has them." Zayn said mischievously.

   "Umm okay." I said trailing slowly down the stairs but as I reached the living room it was dark.

   "Can you turn on the light Lou?" I said. Louis quickly flicked the light on and as he did everyone popped out.

   "SURPRISE." They all said. Out popped Ali, Stan and Louis's sisters and everybody else. I looked over to see Louis shocked yet smiling face. A huge banner was above the doorway. It read in big red letters "Congrats On Finally Coming Out."

   Louis sisters ran up to him and hugged him. As that was happening my mother came over to me and hugged me.

   "Hi mum." I said excitedly. I hadn't seen her in a month.

   "Hi Nialler. Greg will be here any minute." My mother said smiling.

   I felt a sudden queasy sensation. My brother Greg was the person I worried about the most. When Greg was younger he had a gay friend named Milo. Well as soon as Greg found out Milo was gay they weren't really friends anymore. I don't know if Greg is a homophobe or what but the thought of confronting him made me unseddled.

   I had to sit down so I sat on the couch as they all started the music.

   A boy who looked like Zayn emerged out of the corner with drinks. For a second I thought it actually was Zayn but it wasn't. It was Xavier. Stan's boyfriend. Xavier looked more like Zayn in real life then in the photos we saw. But for some reason Stan nor Zayn nor Xavier himself thought they looked alike. But everyone else in the room could see it. Hehe that's a song quote. I crack myself up sometimes.

   I got back up and began to talk to Louis's younger sister Lottie. But as we talked and I got to know my hopeful sister-in-law he walked in. It was Greg.

   "Hey Nialler." My brother said rushing over to me. "Oh hey Greg." I said as we all partied. But as the night grew later I was starving and everyone was holding food in their hands except me. I wondered around our living room and kitchen and everywhere until I finally found the table filled with Nando's. I was grabbing food by food in my hands. Stuffing my face slowly. I was so hungry. I then saw my brother approaching me.

   There was nowhere to hide. I just stood there hoping I was suddenly invisible.

   "Hey Niall." He said solemnly. I had no idea why he sounded so weird.

   "Oh.. Hey Greg." I said looking down at my feet.

   "Niall why have you been avoiding me?" Greg said.

   "I have not!" I lied.

   "Yeah every time I came a little close you moved away from me." Greg said.

   "Well... It's just Milo." I said. I hoped Milo was a good enough clue.

   "What about Milo? He was my best friend until.... Oh I see." He said pausing.

   "Well why would you ignore me? I mean me and Milo aren't friends."

   "That's the thing.... You stopped being friends with him because... he's gay." I said finishing my sentence quietly.

   "What no!" Greg said loudly.

   "Then why'd you stop being friends?" I asked curiously.

   "Because he started hanging out with douchebags." Greg said angrily.

  "Oh." I said simply.

   Lately I have been feeling more and more like an idiot but this is the worst I've felt.

   "Niall never think I don't like you. Your my brother I'll love you forever." Greg said.

   I looked at him and smiled. Everything there was to worry about was gone. I smiled and partied the rest of the night away. I'm an idiot. But I'm also an idiot for Louis Tomlinson.

Louis's P.O.V

   I saw my sisters all standing there. Lottie, Felicite, Phoebe and Daisy. I smiled as Lottie ran up to hug me.

   "Hey Lou." Lottie said smiling.

   "Hey Lottie." My other sisters all came up to me and hugged me but as they went off to party my sister Lottie stayed near me.

   "So how long you've been.... You know?" Lottie asked.


   "But then why did you just come out recently?"

   "Because I was an idiot and thought everyone would judge but clearly I was wrong." I said smiling.

   "You finally admitted your an idiot." Lottie said giggling.

   "Yeah but I'm an idiot for Niall." I said causing her to let out a quick awww as she walked off to dance.

   But it was true. I am an idiot... For Niall James Horan.


Heyy Cookies :) So This Is Basically The Last Chapter. The Next Chapter Is The Epilogue So It's Basically What Happened In The End. So Thanks For Reading All This Time. If You Made It This Far Then Congrats. I Love You All And I Would Like To Thank You. My New Niam Story Will Be Up Really Soon. Well Read On :) ~HaleyxXx

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