The Twitcam

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Niall's P.O.V

   Louis had just made me a sandwich. My tooth was still in horrible pain but I ignored it. Louis had this excited look on his face for the rest of the day. I knew something was up. I just didn't know exactly what. Louis was always this mischievous so you never really know what's going to happen with him.

   The twitcam was coming up and Louis seemed to be trying to look nice. I didn't understand why but he just told me the same lie.

   "I just want to look nice for our fans. You should to." He kept saying. I groaned and ignored him every time. I don't think our fans would care.

   I looked onto twitter and seen that #NiallAndLouis'sTwitcam was trending. I smiled at the thought of our dedicated fans. They were all so supportive.

   "Hey whatcha doing?" Louis asked from the kitchen.

   "Just looking on twitter."

   "Okay. Ready for the twitcam in 10 minutes?" He asked me. You could definitely hear his excitement. I just yelled back a quick yep as I sat on the couch waiting for him. He came in to the living room holding a bowl of chips and two bottles of coke in his hand.

   "To your room." He said enthusiastically as he gestured his head towards the stairs as I got up and we walked our ways up the stairs. I took a few chips and popped them in my mouth causing Louis to scold me.

   "Niall! Save them for later. We can't leave to get more." He said moving the chips out of my reach. I just smirked. "Okay Mom." I said causing him to smile.

   We walked into my room and set up the laptop for the twitcam. We made sure we were both on camera and sent out a tweet that we were starting. After a few minutes we had over a thousand viewers. At first we just fooled around, gave shout outs and answered questions but at 80,000 viewers Louis started getting off topic. Plus he kept putting his arms around me playfully. He didn't make it to lovey but I was glad he was trying. Then he just suddenly blurted out...

   "Hey guys. What do you think of Niall being gay?" I nudged him telling him to stop but he just kept talking. "Use the hash tag #OneDirectionComingOut and tell us what you think. Get it trending." Louis said not looking at me.

   "Why don't you just put #NiallComingOut?" I asked as I blushed not looking into the camera.

   "Oh..Ah...So that they know it's our band. Maybe they don't know our names." He said ending his sentences with a satisfied sigh.

   After a few minutes of not seeing a single tweet with that hashtag we finally got one. I was in mid sentence answering a question when Louis interrupted me.

   "Hey look a opinion on Niall coming out. It says... They find it amazing and that they still love Niall. Oh and I will tell Zayn you love him." He was reading a tweet from some girl. After that a flood of #OneDirectionComingOut tweets came in. Louis read them one by one. We hadn't read a single hate tweet. I gave a triumphant smile to Louis which caused him to do his mischievous grin that made me feel curious.

   "So guys are you mad that Niall is... You know?" He said. "Use the Hashtag." I added quickly. Louis clearly wanted this to trend so I thought I might as well make me happy.

   "There's one." I said pointing to the screen. Louis cleared his voice and began to read it. "I can never be mad at Niall. He was born that way and a true fan wouldn't care. We love Niall for him." Louis said reading the exact tweet word from word.

   He just had this smile on his face. It was adorable and creepy at the same time. He was hiding something. It was coming out soon. But what was it. I need to get my mind off it.

   "Hey Lou. Can I have some chips now?" I asked. Louis passed me the bowl and I began to pig out. Food always got my mind off of things so of course I tuned out.

   Louis pulled me back into reality by repeatedly tapping my knee while saying my name. "What?" I asked mouth filled with chips.

   "Do you remember when that happened?" Louis said. I realized that Louis was telling a story and I wasn't paying any attention at all.

   "Umm..Yeah." I said hoping that was a good thing to say.

   "Anyway I see you guys still really love Niall. Even though he is...Gay." Louis said. I sat there smiling. Louis couldn't be coming out... Could he?

   "And I'd like to say... I'm An Idiot." Louis said.

   "No your not!" I said quickly. I had no clue why he said that I just gave him a discouraging look.

   "Yes I am. I have been hiding something from you guys..." Louis said trailing off.

   He couldn't be.... Was he? I think he is. But he said he was to scared. I hope he does I really do.

   "So guys I would like to say..." He said trailing off and...


CLIFFHANGER :D That's Right My Cookies CliffHanger. But Don't Fear I'm Going To Update Very Soon... Actually I Was Thinking Of Uploading TWO Chapters Today For You Guys. Why? Cause I Got 5 Comments On The Last Chapter In Less Then A Day. That's Freaking Amazing! I Love You Guys. New Chapter Later Today. Comment, Fan And Vote. ~HaleyxXx

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