Ready And Set

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Louis's P.O.V

   We were all at home. Ali had made me and Niall leave the room so they could plan the party. Me and Niall sat in his room awkwardly. I mean I would and could be kissing him. If it wasn't for the ice pack on my pained face.

   "Niall." I said. trying to start a conversation.

   "Yeah?" Niall said looking up at me.

   "Uh... Nothing." I said making things more awkward then I wanted.

   "Are you sure? You look a little pink?" Niall said. Oh crap I was blushing! I looked away from him.

   "Umm it's probably just the redness from my punch." I said trying to cover the fact that I was truly blushing.

    "Are you sure cause it sure looks like your blushing." Niall said into my ear. I peaked back to see his head was a centimetre away from my shoulder. I looked at him hoping he'd move back. But instead he put his lips to mine. He was careful but not careful enough. His nose touched the area where I had been punched and it kind of hurt.

   "Ow!" I said pulling away.

   "Oh sorry." Niall said. He slowly moved over but I grabbed his arm.

   "Didn't say stop did I?" I said flirty causing Niall to smile.

   "I guess not." He said leaning in. I was swept up into another kiss. We were kissing there for at least 20 seconds now when Harry showed up at the door.

   "Um.. Guys." Harry said awkwardly.

   "Come on Hazza, You keep walking in on us. Learn to knock!" I said irritated. Harry had walked in on every heavenly long kiss me and Niall shared and I myself was annoyed.

   "Sorry. I let you walk in on me and Ali anytime." He said with a cocky smile.

   "No thanks." I said. Harry just stood there with a smirk on his face.

   "What are you up here for anyway?" Niall asked.

   "Oh yeah I need your phones."

   "What why?" I asked.

   "Because. Now just give them to me and follow me downstairs for a movie." Harry said holding out his hand. Niall reluctantly gave his phone to Harry as I kept my phone in my hand til Harry pried it out of my hand.

   We all walked back downstairs and sat in the living room and watched T.V. I had no clue when and where the party was going to be but either way it wasn't now.

   I snuggled Niall into my chest as Liam and Harry faught over which movie to watch. My face was throbbing but I tried to ignore it. The doctor told me it would hurt for awhile. Oh what I do for love...

Harry's P.O.V

   "Okay guys what should we do for this party?" Ali said as me, Liam and Zayn huddled into a circle. Niall and Louis were upstairs doing I don't know what.

   "Well we could just have a happy coming out party." Zayn said.

   "Perfect! Now we got the theme but what are we going to do for it?" Ali said taking over as party planner.

   "Well we could just get a ton of Nandos and carrots." Liam said.

   "Perfect! We now have food. But who will come?" Ali said jotting stuff down in a notebook. I have no clue where the book came from but it seemed to come with a matching pen. It was cute how ahead Ali was.

   "Well we could invite their outside friends and family." I said trying to add an idea of my own.

   "Yes perfect Hazza. But how do we get those people to come without them with out them knowing?" Ali asked writing more down.

   "Well they probably have all that on their phones..." I said again.

   "Harry you adorable genius!" Ali exclaimed as she kissed me on the cheek.

   "I know." I said smiling.

   "Well your idea so... You go get the phones." Zayn said.

   "What no. I want to stay here."

   "Can you do it for me Please Harry." Ali said fluttering her lashes which surprisingly persuaded me to do it. I began to walk my way up the stairs and went in to see Niall and Louis kissing. For some reason I always walked in on their most intimate moments.

   Louis scolded me as Niall sat there. When I asked Niall for his phone he gave it to me easily. But Louis was stubborn and I had to fight it out of his hands.

   All three of us walked back downstairs and decided to watch a movie. Me and Liam faught back and forth over which movie to watch. Liam wanted to watch toy story but I sure as heck didn't he made us watch it all the time. We ended up watching Toy story 2. But as Ali left I slipped the phone into her hand as we hugged goodbye.

   I walked back out into the living room to see that Niall had fallen asleep on Louis shoulder and Louis was just sitting their like nothing was happening. I had to admit Niall and Louis looked adorable in that position.

   Ali later texted me...

   "Party is set. One week from now. Love you. ~Ali-Kinz."

   I smiled and told Liam and Zayn. Everything is ready and set.


Heyy My Cookies. Well This Is A Perfect Example Of Sucky Horrible Writing. I've Been Having Really Bad Writers Block On This Story. But Yeah. Story Will Be Over Soon. Anyway Enjoy. :) (Even Though It Sucks.) Comment, Fan And Vote. ~HaleyxXx

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