Change Of Heart

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Niall's P.O.V

   At the hospital we met up with Ali. We were escorted out of Louis's room so they could do their work on him and to see if there is any damage. I pray there isn't any. But I guess I'll never know until their done. I waited in the front area with the others.

   "It was only a punch nothing could go that wrong." Liam said rubbing my back. Harry was worriedly looking at the ground as Zayn was texting Simon. The lady at the front desk had a doctor come to her and then she turned to us.

   "Um... Are you four here for Louis Tomlinson?" The lady said a little grumpily. We all stood up and nodded.

   "Well he suffered a minor concussion but he is awake now so you can go ahead and see him." She said pointing down the hall. We all walked our way down the hall looking through room by room. When we finally saw an awake Louis watching T.V.

   "Louis!" I yelled running in to hug him.

   "Niall." He said weakly smiling.

   "I can't believe that happened. I'm such an idiot." I said.

   "No Niall your not. You really showed me something today." He said smiling.

   "What did I show you? To be scared of every single Hater because their going to beat you?" I said disappointedly. Not in him but in myself.

   "No Niall. You showed me that I may have had one hater but when I first awoke I seen a huge Petition to get my attacker in jail by the fans. It's one of those online ones." Louis said smiling.

   I hadn't checked the internet in the 14 hours we are here. I mean Harry kept texting someone as Zayn slept and Liam comforted me. But I never thought to check the internet.

   "But Louis you got hurt." I said quivering.

   "Ever heard of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?" Louis said.

   "I...I.. Guess. But Lou-"

   "But nothing. Niall I realized what you wanted me to. Haters can hate but the worst they can do is what that man did." Louis said. I smile spread across my face.

   "And if Paul's there with us then that's not going to happen again is it?" Louis said. We chatted awhile but then the door opened and we all turned to look at the person in the doorway.

   "Hey hows my beautiful boy that I love." Said Ali from the door.

   "Oh Hey Ali." Me and all the other boys said.

   "What are you doing here?" I asked.

   "I'm here to see my boyfriend." Ali said smiling brightly.

   "Oh... This is awkward." I said.

   "What is?" She asked confused.

   "You see Ali. Everything worked out with Louis and I'm kinda in a relationship... With him." I said awkwardly.

   "Oh I know. I meant Harry." Ali said. We all shot our glances over to Harry.

   "Since when are you-" She cut me off.

   "Together? Well 13 hours ago?" She said as Harry nodded. She went up and hugged him.

   "Oh... That's cute." I said awkwardness rising more. 

   "Did you really think I the psychic I am wouldn't know that Nouis is real?" Ali said giggling.

   "Oh yeah I should have known." I said causing Ali to giggle more.

   "Ali's psychic?" Liam said.

   "Oh no. I'm just 1. A Girl and 2. Ali Mcurthy." Ali said smiling. We all just laughed and talked.

   "Hey I have an idea." Harry sad mischievously.

   "What?" We all said in unison.

   "Lets throw Louis a get better party!" Harry said.

   "Great idea." Said Zayn.

   "Oh gee. When I get stabbed by a mugger I get nothing. But Louis gets punched and he gets a party?" I said faking jealousy. I really didn't actually care.But they took it seriously.

   "Oh yeah... Well we could have a party for the both of us." Louis said.

   "Naw. I think we'll have a party for you."

   "No you"

   "No you"


    "you" Me and Louis faught back and forth.

    "Guys stop! Just lets have a" Liam said.

   "Okay fine by me." I said. Louis nodded. The others had all left for a quick second so I decided to talk to Louis about he really feels.

   "Louis? Do you really think like I did?"

   "No." He said slowly. "I think of it as how you have and do."

   "So you don't care about Haters?"

   "Why should I?"

   "Louis you got punched in the face!" I said loudly.

   "I know." Louis said simply.

   "But.. you showed me haters can actually hurt." I said.

   "I can give you three easy examples why not to care." Louis said pausing quickly not giving me time to answer. "1. I'm still alive and everything is still in order. " He said pausing briefly.  "2. The fans are doing everything to get that man in Jail." He said not letting me say a word. "and 3. If Paul and the other body guards are with us there is nothing to worry about." Louis said. I was about to say something when he interrupted a final time. "Just be happy I'm still here." Louis said. I finally had time to say something... But I couldn't. Instead I walked over and hugged him and we just cuddled their until Harry and Ali walked in arm in arm.

   "You can go home Lou." Ali said smiling as we headed up and out to our home...


Heyy My Little Cookies. So My Friend Ali Begged Me To Let Her Date Harry In This Story.. So That's Who She Is. Anyway. I'm Ending The Series In 3 Chapters... I Know You Guys Are Going To Hate Me But I Keep Getting Writers Block And I'm Going To Start A Niam Next. Comment Name Ideas? Well Going To Write The Next Chapter. :) Comment Fan And Vote. ~HaleyxXx

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To "Not Even.") (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now