Haters Gonna Hate

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Niall's P.O.V

   "I can't say it." Louis said.

   I gave a sad look but tried to keep myself up. It didn't matter if he told them. I'd love it if he did but it is his decision. I just gave him a smile and patted his back.

   "I can't say it..." He said again trailing off. "But I can show you guys." He said and as soon as he finished his sentence he pulled me into a sweet long kiss. I could feel his smile in the kiss. He then pulled away leaving me speechless. I was blank until Louis spoke again.

   "That's right. I'm Bi. But not just for anyone. But for Niall." Louis said. That made me realize what was happening. He came out. For me. A huge smile spread across my face.

    "Yep. We have been together for about 2 or 3 days now." I said nonchalantly. Louis and I both grinned as the first tweet that said "Nouis." on it popped on the screen. We looked at all the excited and supportive fans tweets and then I looked up at Louis's relieved face.

   After more questions, Shout outs and Me and Louis finally getting to be public Louis started to yawn.

   "Well guys. We're out of chips and we're both tired. So it's time to say goodnight." I said seeing that's what Louis wanted.

   "Any last words guys?" Louis asked yawning again. I gotta admit. Louis is super cute when he yawns. After some final shout outs we were about  to end it til a tweet caught my eye.

   "Louis look at that tweet." I said pointing to the tweet. Louis began to read it.

   "Hey I would love you no matter what but are you guys seriously together?" Louis read aloud.

   "Yes of course. No lie. We are in love. And that's that." Louis said before I could answer. His answer made me blush a little. He was so open now and it was all for me. Louis pulled me into his arms.

   "Well night guys. Have a nice night. Hope you enjoyed this Nouis twitcam." I let out a quick good night as Louis shut the twitcam off.

   Louis got up and was on his way out the door when I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug.

   "Thank you."

   "For what Nialler?"

   "Doing all that. Telling everyone. Facing your fear. I love you."

   "I love you to now let me go to sleep." He said cheekily.

   I just let my grip loosen and watched as he left my room. I was alone. I sighed. I wished Louis bunked with me not Harry.

   After awhile of lying in my bed I realized something... I needed to take a whiz. I got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom but as I did I seen that Harry and Louis's room door was wide open and there was a small light inside.

   I walked in and stood near in the doorway to see Harry nowhere to be found. I looked on the bed to see Louis sitting there with his phone in his hand. I smiled and was about to go to the bathroom but then I saw it... The tear streaming down Louis's face.

   I swiftly walked to his side to see what was wrong. I looked at his phone to see that he was looking something up on twitter. I squinted trying hard to look at what hash tag he was looking up. After awhile I finally made it out. #LouisTomlinsonIsAFag. As soon as I read it I snatched the phone out of his hand. and pulled him into a hug.

   "Louis. You can't psych yourself out like that." I said holding him close and stroking his head.

   "Niall.They. hate. me." Louis said slowly weeping. His tears broke my heart.

   "Louis your focusing on the haters. Look at all the fans that love you." I said whispering basically.

   "Niall, There's more then one hater..." Louis trailed causing more tears to fall from his eyes which triggered one tear to fall from my eyes.

   "Louis tomorrow I'm going to take you out for lunch and show you our fans still love us."

   "You can try." Louis said.

   "Ok now go to sleep." I said laying him down and kissing his forehead. I got up and was out the door until he called after me.



   "Can I have my phone back?"

   "So you can put yourself down? I don't thinks so. You can have it back tomorrow." I said closing the door behind me and finally getting to pee. Not that you need to know. Tomorrow I'd prove to Louis our fans still love us even if we love each other.

Louis's P.O.V

   I laid alone in my room. Niall had taken my phone so I had nothing to do. I knew coming out was the right thing especially for me and Niall's relationship. But I couldn't help but feel like I'm going to be hated. Niall will show me tomorrow but I can't help but feel like he is wrong. But after awhile I dozed off hoping tomorrow would prove me wrong...


Heyy My Cookies. Second Chapter Of The Day. You Guys Are So FREAKING FANTASTIC! 10,000 Reads On Not Even (The First Book), 60 Fans, And Almost 200 Votes (191 To Be Exact) You Guys Are Amzing And I Mean It. Oh And I Am Thinking On Doing A Niam Book Next. Mmmmkay? Well Comment, Fan And Vote. :) ~HaleyBear<3

Nouis- I'm An Idiot. (Sequel To &quot;Not Even.&quot;) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now