Chapter 21: Out of This World.

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Simartè's P.O.V.

I had just got off of the phone with Milo when suddenly there was knock at my door.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened abruptly and in came Cassidy with an unpleasant look on her face.

"I wanna know everything." She demanded.

"Fine. Your sons Kaiser and Hudson broke into the rift with Milo as well as a few others in an attempt to save Sehrem and Raes who were being held captive by my father in an effort to hunt down Hudson and now SAGE is after all of them and will kill them if they catch them."

She was taken back by my statement and stood in silence trying to process what I'd said.

"Kaiser.... Hudson... They're- out of the forest?" She asked in disbelief as tears began to form.

I nodded my head yes.

"Milo took Kaiser yesterday. Then Hudson showed up."

"And the rest of them? Meadow? Logan? Morgan? Benji?"

"That's the bad part. We kinda don't know where they are. They were taken. I've tried to get ahold of Sehrem and Raes who were supposed to go after them but I can't seem to reach either of them."

"They're missing!? WHO TOOK THEM!? WHEN DID THEY-"

"Cassidy relax." I said as I stood up and walked over to her. "Sehrem and Raes will find them. I promise. How did you even know that something was wrong?"

"Dean. He walked up to me while I was talking to Jordan and said that my whole world was about to change. Sim, where's Koi and Hudson?"

"Don't worry Hudson's in a secret location. He's safe. Kaiser's at the Mezzarin."

"I wanna see them."

"You can't." Said a voice, coming into my office.

"RAES!" Cassidy yelled as she ran to him, throwing her arms around him hugging him as tight as she could. "I never thought I'd say this but oh my god I missed you so much!"

"Of course you did." He smugly replied. "I really didn't expect to find you here."

After Sehrem and Raes left with the kids 12 years ago Dia and I brought Cassidy and everyone else to the French rift because we knew their lives were in danger. We knew my father and Kratos would never think to check a place so obvious like this to find them so they've been in hiding here ever since and the members of SAGE who work here vowed they they would never tell my father and Kratos. It was a dangerous move yet if you think about it, it was also the smartest.

"Wait a minute-" I began. "Aren't you and Sehrem supposed to be somewhere right now?"

"We met with the men of the man who claims to have Meadow, Benji, Morgan, and Logan. But then the man called us and told us that he's changing the location of their whereabouts. He's playing games with us and apparently he's going to call us soon and tell us where to meet him again."

"I can't believe you trust that." Said Carter as he walked in.

"Who are you?" Asked Cassidy

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"Who are you?" Asked Cassidy. "You look familiar...."

"This is Carter, Rowan's son." I answered.

Her eyes widened slightly.

"You're Stormy's son?.... Wow. You look- different. Well then again he only showed me a picture of you and that was a little over 20 years ago..."

"Good Ole' dad." He mumbled.

"Hey uh- where's Sehrem?" She asked.

Raes and I looked at eachother and smiled.

"He's meeting with Linus at the moment back in Minnesota." Raes explained. "He misses you."

"Did he tell you to tell me that?" She asked, blushing a bit.

"No, but I know he does. He'd be here right now but he wants to wait until this is all over."

"How long is that gonna take?" She asked, though judging by her uneasiness I knew she wasn't sure if she wanted the answer.

"A while." Raes bluntly replied. "Not only are we up against the Xiotes now but we're also up against the organization."

"Ugh can't you just stop Ca'sius? Put him in jail or something?"

"People like us can't simply be put in jail." I told her.

"Yea you can. There's a such thing as maximum security prisons you know."

"The government won't allow us to be put in prison. The majority of the government doesn't even know we exist."

"So basically, Demi's can get away with breaking the law?"

"I'm not a demi Cassidy." Said Raes. "Neither is Simartè. Nor my father. Nor Sehrem. Nor was Apollo. Demi's are simply humans with powerful genetic mutations. Like Carter."

"But you have powerful genetic mutations too...." She said in confusion.

That's when it hit me. He was about to tell her everything.

"Wrong, my powers, as well as the powers of my brothers and sisters, do not come from genetic mutations they come from our subconscious because of the fact that we're not...."

He stopped. Wondering if he should finish.

"Not what?" She questioned.

"Human." He confessed.

She stared at the both of us with a lost glare in her eyes.

"Then... What are you?"

Raes looked at me, waiting for my approval. I nodded my head to let him know that it was time she knew. And after much hesitation he finally said it.

"We're gods..."

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