Chapter 40: Don't Think.

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Kaiser's P.O.V.

"Sorry, you want me to do what?"

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"Sorry, you want me to do what?"

"Heal him Kai. Your powers have surfaced. You're capable of doing it." Dad said as we stood on both sides of Caine.

"I can't..."

"Yes you can. I'll talk you through it."

"Its not gonna work. I couldn't heal uncle Sehrem. What makes you think I can do this?"

"So thats what this is about?"

I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders.

"Sit down for a second." He said as he sat down and pointed at the chair opposite from him for me to sit.

"Are you gonna lecture me? If so I need to remind you that I'm 24 years old...."

"Not lecturing you. I'm gonna tell you a story." He said. "Remember years ago when I told you about your sister, Arabella? Well the night she died I tried to heal her as I held her in my arms. I tried and tried but it just wasn't working. That was the first time it didn't work. My uncle Cato later explained to me that it didn't work because power and grief don't mix well. Being full of both only leads to misfortune. In my case, I wasnt able to heal her because I was overrun with grief. Another example is happening as we speak. Raes is being consumed by grief and as a result his powers have gotten out of control. The key to overcome it is to simply not think about it. Don't think about whats happening now. Think about what's gonna happen. Try it."

I took in his words and nodded my head.

I stood up and grabbed Caine's hand as I closed my eyes. It was silent for a while as I tried to think about what would happen 5 minutes from now after I healed him. But no matter how hard I tried, images of when I failed to save uncle Sehrem flew all throughout my mind. I soon lost sight of what I was doing. The images were everywhere, flashing by one after another. My hand started shaking then I felt this weird sensation travel from me to Caine. I tried to open my eyes amd Pull away but I couldnt. It literally felt like my thoughts were smothering me.

"Kaiser let him go..." I heard dad calmly say to me though with concern in his voice.

I kept trying but it was no use. I still couldn't open my eyes. I even couldn't talk.

I felt Caine's weak pulse start to drop even more.

"Son stop... I can't force you to let him go, you have to break away from your thoughts on your on."

It was then that I realized I wasn't actually hearing my dad. In fact it felt more like he was inside of my head.

"Kaiser you're killing him..." He stated though still with calmness in an attempt to not make me panic.

I tried and tried but I couldn't do ANYTHING. I couldn't move. My body was paralyzed.

"Just stop thinking Kai. Shut off your mind for just a second... Focus on nothing but your own breathing."

I calmed myself down and listened to solely my breathing. The tension throughout my body began to ease up until I was able to feel again. Once I had feeling in my hands I quickly let go of Caine as my eyes shot open. I found myself breathing heavily and trying to catch my breath.

"Please tell me he's not dead..."

"Not yet." Dad replied as he grabbed a hold of Caine's hand.

Seconds later Caine's vitals started to increase.

Dad unwrapped the bandage from around Caine's head that was covering his wound... Except there wasn't a wound anymore. In fact his head looked perfectly fine.

"Did you- " I couldn't even finish my question.

"Yes." He said. "He should wake up soon. Lets let him rest, come on."

"Um... Are we not gonna wait for Rome to show up?"

"We'll see him later tonight."

"Gray? Elise?"

"Kai we'll see them all later tonight. We have business to take care of right now."

"Where are we going?"

"To talk to your uncle."


Meadow's P.O.V.

"Whyyy do you keep following me around?" I asked Jedi.

"This place isn't safe. You need protection." He stated.

"I can protect myself. I dont need you to look after me."

"You can't just wander around the Rift on your own. It was literally just infiltrated."

"Relax I'm just looking for my brothers and my sister... I don't even think they know we're here."

"Your girlfriend's not gonna like this." I joked, hoping to get a reaction from him, which I did.

"How many times must I tell you Willow and I are NOT togther." He said in frustration. "Do I have to call her right now and prove it to you?"

"You're totally with her. No doubt about it." I giggled.

"Oh my god.... No I'm not."

"She clearly likes you though."

"She's actually in love with me. Which is why she hates it when I do so much as even talk to other girls."

"Aw you're breaking her heart. That's not very nice."

"Well she broke mine first so its alright. She'll get over it."

"Did she really?"

"Yep. She was my first everything. First girlfriend. First kiss. First love. First time..." He paused for a moment then mumbled, "...first fiance..."

"Whoa seriously? You two were engaged?"

"Yea. We always had the biggest crush on eachother when we were younger. We started dating when I was 19. We were together for 7 years. Then things happened and she decided to call it quits two years ago. I was a mess after that. It completely broke me. In all honesty I'm still not 100% over it but I'm getting there. Just need a little motivation to move past it."

He winked at me as he said that last sentence.

"Sorry bud. I'm kinda too focused on the chaos happening to pursue a relationship."

"That's totally fine. I can wait." He laughed. "Hey, since you're clearly not having any luck finding your siblings, how about I kidnap you for a few minutes and show you something."

"You're not gonna take no for an amswer are you..." I asked.

"Nope." He said with a smile as he quickly swooped me up into his arms and took off running with me.

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