158: Undeserving.

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Brooklyn's P.O.V.

"I- I can't run any further." I said, breathing so hard my lungs felt like they were about to explode.

"Yes you can." Parrish insisted as he ran beside me. "Come on Brooklyn there are just 16 of us left and you're the only girl still running who isn't one of the leaders."

I looked around And saw that he was right.

The only people still running were me, him, Apollo, Rowan, Linus, Milo, Raes, Mia, Mara, Troilus, Kaiser, Fido, Lucky, Elias, George and Swazo.

Yes, even Swazo managed to last longer than a lot of the older demis.

We were doing a 'death run' as Linus called it. Seeing how long we could run before we literally passed out.

We'd been running for 22 hours non stop.


Couldn't stop to eat... Couldn't stop to rest... couldn't even stop to pee.

"How is it even possible for us to run this long?" I asked, still oanting ridiculously fast.

"We're demis. Our bodies are capable of a million times more endurance than a human's body. 22 hours is nothing."

"How are you not breathing as hard as I am!? I feel like I'm about to die!" I exclaimed.

He simply laughed. He wasn't sweating, wasn't breathing heavy, in fact he looked like he'd only been running for three minutes as did the other leaders.

"I'm a lot older than you think I am Brooklyn. I've been training my entire life. My longest endurance run lasted 4 days and 13 hours."

"What the hell! You're gonna try to run that long again!?"

"No, us leaders are only running until the last one of you passes out. There's only 7 of you left."

"6 in about 2 minutes because I can feel my lungs crumbling into a thousand tiny pieces." I stated.

"Tired yet?" Troilus teased as he caught up to us.

"I'm tired, hungry, and I WILL hurt you Troy. Back off." I warned him.

He chuckled then sped up to catch up with Lucky.

"You do realize that after this, all of is are gonna be in pain for like 3 days right?" I asked Parrish.

"Which is why we're doing endurance first. The war's in 11 days. Fighting in general requires a lot of endurance and stamina. Fighting Gazari reauires every ounce of endurance and stamina within you. I should know. He constantly kicked our asses when we were younger until we didn't even have the energy to open our eyes."

Just as he finished we passed by Kade who had passed out in the grass about 20 minutes ago.

Spread all around the Mezzarin were the people who just couldn't handle it anymore.

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