Chapter 103: Isolated.

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Lindsay's P.O.V.

"You need to talk to him Morgan..."

"Why!?" He asked in frustration as we walked over to AJ's and Ryan's place just to hang out for a bit.

"Because he's your dad and the least you could do is sit down with him and talk things out."

"I've already said what I had to say to him and I've heard what he had to say in response. There's not much more that needs to be said."

"You can't hold a grudge against him for the rest of your life. At least he's making an effort to make things right between the two of you now that you're older."

"So you've forgiven him?"

"Don't worry about what's going on between me and Max. It doesnt matter if I've forgiven him or not. That shouldn't determine whether you forgive him."

"Mom he put you through hell! You expect me to just let that go!? He needs to make things right with you before I'll even fucking consider talking to him again!"

"Watch your mouth Morgan." I said to him as I stopped walking and faced him. "Listen to me... I went 12 years without seeing you and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through. The day you came back instantly made my life a million times better. I can't even begin to describe how much I missed you. And how much Harley missed you, she never stopped talking about you while you were away. Both of our lives were flipped around the moment we saw you again. And seeing how happy you were to see us made that moment even more amazing. Now your dad on the otherhand had a completely different experience. He hadn't seen you in a longer amount of time than we did. And he missed you like hell too. He constantly talked to Harley about how he was gonna make everything up to the two of you. But when you first saw him you didnt so much as even wanna speak to him. And when you did, you told him how much you didnt care for him anymore and that he was pretty much worthless to you. Imagine how that made him feel. Your dad has always loved you Morgan and would die an endless amount of times for you. When you were younger you were the light of his life. You two were inseparable. I'm sure you even remember that he used to lay in bed with you every night until you fell asleep. He was so proud to be your dad. You and Harley were his life. Just imagine how hard it was for him to leave you two."

"No one forced him to leave. He made that decision on his own."

"And I'm glad he did. I'm glad he left. The thing is, you think I'm mad at Max just because he walked out but thats not why I have an issue with him. Max needed to leave and he talked to me about it before he left. And I didnt beg him to stay. I didn't want you and Harley to see that broken side of your dad. You only remember bits and pieces of how he was right before he left because you were still so young. But just know that Max was broken beyond repair at that time. He was in so much emotional pain and distress that even looking at him made me break down at times. He wanted to sit down with you and Harley and explain to you why he was leaving but he didn't know how to. He cried to me the night he left. And I cried too because I knew how hard it was for him to cry. Before that night I'd only seen him cry twice... Once when Reese died... And once when we lost your uncle River... That night tore me apart. He didnt wanna leave you two. He didnt wanna leave his kids. But he was afraid of himself at that point. And the hardest part of him leaving was me having to deal with you throwing tantrums all of the time because you wanted to see him. He did what he did so that you and Harley could live a good life. You can't blame him for that Morgan. You just can't."

"If he wanted me and my sister to have a good life then he would've stayed in our lives. Stop defending him. You're not gonna change my mind about him." He said, clearly upset as he turned and walked away back in the direction that we'd came from.

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