Gibbs' House

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Ziva's Pov

"Gibbs what if they arent happy." "Ziver you know Abby loves kids and Ducky already knows and Mcgee well I dont know about him." "Your right." Then she hears  Abby in the living room. "Hey Abbs umm well these are mine and Tony's kids this is  Kate Talia and this is Shannon." "Oh my god there adorable I am aunt Abby." "Its a good thing I carry mini Berts with me just in case." Abby says giving them to the two girls. Then Mcgee,Ducky, adn Palmer show up and stay for a couple hours and we talked ate dinner and laughed then they all left at around 9. "Tony where are you going?" Ziva yells "Ill be right back Zi." "Ziver why dont you relax ill get there bottles and change them ok." Ziva nodded then heard the door open and hears a bark and turns around and sees a puppy husky with a box with a note inside that says turn around. "Ziva David will you Marry me!?" "Yes Tony I will." Ziva said with tears in her eyes then she sees Gibbs with a video camera recording it. "You know how to use that thing Gibbs." "Very finny Ziver and yes Mcgee taught me." 

Gibbs' Pov

"So Ziver what are you naming the dog?" "I dont know yet" "Ziver why are you crying?" "Ive just never ahd people do so much for me and care for me so much and get me a dog and purpose and everything since Saleem I cant ever show my arms or legs without wanting to puke." "Ziver its ok." "Zi whats wrong?" "I just dont know what you see in me Tony im ugly and have scars all over my body from Saleem." "Zi your not ugly and thoes scars show how strong you are." Ziva still crying and Tony and Gibbs on both sides hugging her when Kate starts to cry "Ill get her." Gibbs says "Hey Ziver im going to go give them a bath cause there a mess ok." "Ok thanks Aba." Then  within a couple minutes Ziva is asleep with Tony holding her and he sees that and takes her up to there room. "Tony dont worry about the kids I got them you take care of Ziva." "Ok thank you boss." Ziva woke up at about 2 in hte morning crying about a nightmare Gibbs hears her coming down the steps crying "ZIver whats the matter?" "I had a nightmare about Saleem." 'Ziver come here." She does that and he hugs her till he hears DiNozzo coming down the steps "Zi you ok I woke up cause I thought I heard you." "Ya come on im tired." "Thanks Gibbs." Ziva said with a smile.

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