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Abby's Pov

"Ziva come down to my lab alone now." After 2 minutes Ziva was down here. "What is it Abby." "I was wondering if you would come to my first doctors appotmint?" "Of course Abby, but dont you want Mcgee to go?" "Well ya  but you have gone through this already." Ok what times the appotiment?" "In an hour." "Ok ill meet you down here in 30 minutes ok then we can leave." "Yes thank you Ziva." 

Ziva's Pov

I cant believe Abby asked me to come with her. Ziva thought on her way back up. "DiNozzo, David elevator now." "What is it Gibbs?" "Just walk." We get in there and Gibbs stops the elevator "Are we in trouble Gibbs?" "No but I was wondering if you guys wanted to permintly move into my house." "Absolutly Aba Thank you." "Ya thanks boss." "Accually can you take me to Abby's Lab were leaving now."  "Ok." When I get down there Abby's pacing back and forth. "You ready to go Abby?" "Ya lets go on the way home do you think we could stop at starbucks I love the Very Berry Hibiscus." "Yes Abby we can and I love that too."

Tony's Pov

I cant believe Gibbs just asked us to move in. Tony thought "Boss where ar ewe gonna stay?" "I have a place its been there for years I got it done after Kelly and Shannon died." "Ok thanks again boss." "Say thank you one more time and I will change my mind." "Ok." I wonder here Ziva went with Abby its been over 2 hours. Then the elevator opened and out came Ziva. "Where were you Zi." "I was with Abby." "I know but where you have been gone for over 2 hours." "Ya so I have a life." "Just tell me where you guys were." "NO." "DiNozzo enough." "Sorry boss." "Mcgee go home to Abby and you two can leave too." "What about you." "Im leaving as soon as I finish this." "Ok bye boss." 

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