Chapter 4 - Friendly Neighbors

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Marc POV

Sang? What a strange name. She must be something special if she captured Brandon's attention. Of all of my 13 brothers Brandon is one of the harder ones to get to open up. He just keeps to himself around new people and is content with just us. When he was telling us about her, I couldn't help but get excited with him. His excitement was palpable. I wonder is she likes coffee? What am I saying, even if she doesn't she'll love mine!

Axel, Kota, Corey and I are headed to the new neighbors house with cookies before it gets too dark and North is done with dinner. As we are walking over there I can see that we all are long in our own thoughts and I'd bet that it was in regards to the little bird we just found out about. I hope Brandon figures out quickly how to get us all introduced.

Walking up to the neighbors house, Kota knocks and it takes a few moments but then the door and a beautiful woman opens the door smiling brightly. Her smile falters a moment while looking us over, clearly not expecting 4 men to be at her door. While she examines us, I can see all of us examining here. She looks familiar but I would have remembered meeting such a beautiful woman with the most exquisite haunted green eyes I have ever see. When we make eye contact, my breath catches and I can't help the feeling going on in my stomach. From the sharp intake of breaths around me, I can see I'm not the only poor fool affected. When she gets to Corey, her head quirks to the side in the most adorable way and she wrinkles her nose again before she speaks.

"You're not Brandon." All of us choke for second. First how does she know Brandon? How can she tell the difference? I've known them for almost 10 years and I'm still confused when the wear the same outfits! 

"No, I'm not Brandon. How'd you know?" Corey asks with a shy smile. Oh boy, he's got it bad.

"Your eyes. They're different. Same color but yours sparkle." She states and then blushes. She blushes! How adorable. I take a look at Corey, and he's got a slight heat rising on his cheeks as well. I chuckle and he shoots me a glare. 

"Hello, excuse my rude brothers but I'm Axel. Can I ask how you know Brandon?" Axel that smooth fucker reaches out to shake her hand. 

"Oh! Sorry, I'm Sang. I met him today when he helped me with my engine. You must be some of the bunch he was talking about. Its nice to meet you." We all looked dazed. Because no description of her could have captivated her beauty.

"Hi beauty, I'm Marc, this is Kota and this is Brandons twin Corey." I motion to each of my brothers. 

"Hi Sang, we brought cookies over. We live next door and wanted to get ourselves acquainted with the new neighbor. I can tell you, we are more than excited it is you. Brandon was just telling us about you." Kota interjects. His ears tinge pink when he admits we were talking about her. She looks awestruck for a moment before motioning for us to come in.

"I'm sorry, I just moved in as you already know and the only thing I have right now furniture wise is my new bed. I plan on shopping this weekend. Sorry I have no where for you to sit." She tells us while walking into the kitchen.

"No problem, we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. What are your plans for the evening since it seems you don't have anything?" I ask. She can't be going to bed already? It's only 7.

"Actually, I was planning on taking a bath and ordering delivery before I just crashed for the evening. I think I may have a long weekend on my hands attempting to get things for the house." She tells us and I cant help that my mind immediately thinks about her naked in the bath. And how what a lovely site that would be. Her phone chimes and she pulls it out of her bra while blushing. I can't help but gape at her. Who knew I could be jealous of a phone. I'm pulled out of my day dream about her boobs when I here the most glorious sound. She's giggling and I know all I want to do is continue that forever. I'd bottle up that giggle and listen to it whenever I needed a pick me up. It might be better than coffee!

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